Indah Annisa Received Best Performance Award from European Commission
Kembali 11 November 2015 | Berita BAPETEN

Ms Indah Annisa, staff of BAPETEN, has been invited by the European Commission to accept the Training and Tutoring Awards for the best participant or tutor in the training that was held by ENSTTI last year in France. The awards were received during the Eurosafe Conference Forum and Awards Ceremony held in Sheraton Hotel Brussels, Belgium on 2-3 November 2015. 

The training and tutoring awards were dedicated for experts of nuclear regulatory authorities and their Technical Support Organization for developing or strengthening their managerial and technical capabilities. She has been awarded the Training Prize for her best performance during her joining the Tutoring Program on Internal Dosimetry in Paris, France from 29 September – 19 December 2014. The training was held in IRSN Laboratory of Internal Dosimetry at Fontenay-Aux-Roses. The award for best participant in tutoring was also granted to participant from Armenia who joined another training in Thermo Hydraulic.


The European Nuclear Safety Training and Tutoring Institute (ENSTTI) is a leading organization and contractor with the European Commission. ENSTTI is in charge for implementing the Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation Training and Tutoring (INSC T & T) Program which are financed by the European Union. ENSTTI formed a consortium with ENEA, VUJE, SSTC-NRS, RCR, CIEMAT (European TSOs), ASN, CSN, FANC (European NRAs) and BBM Consulting to provide a team with complementary and reinforced skills and experience. Each participating organization makes its own contribution to the projects within the scope of its activities. [BHO/MR]




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