First Phase of Radiation Protection and Safety Training 2024
Kembali 26 Februari 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

According to BAPETEN's Chairman Regulation (Perka) Number 4 Year 2020 on Radiation Safety in the Use of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology X-Ray Equipment, the permit holder is responsible for radiation safety and is required to provide radiation protection and safety training to personnel working in radiation facilities.

To implement these Perka, the BAPETEN Education and Training Center will provide human resource training for permit holders through first wave of Radiation Protection and Safety Training (PKR), which will take place at the BAPETEN Training Center Cisarua, Bogor from February 26 to March 1, 2024.

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"The aim of this training is to provide knowledge about radiation as well as the basics of radiation protection and safety and its application in supporting radiation workers carrying out services at intervention facilities," said Rizal Anggabrata, Chair of the Training Organizing Committee, in his speech on Monday morning, February 26, 2024.

In addition, Angga continued, "This training also aims to foster a culture of safety, especially for specialist doctors and interventional radiology health workers."

This PKR training was attended by 25 participants, including 13 specialist doctors (thoracic surgery, neurosurgery, anaesthesia, heart) and 12 other medical personnel (nurses, medical physicists, radiation protection officer (PPR), radiographers, radiology room heads) from 15 hospitals. Both public and private sectors exist. This training includes seven teachers from the BAPETEN Training Center as well as colleagues from technical work units with expertise in radiation safety material.

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Dessy Susanti, Lead of the Nuclear Energy Monitoring Training Working Group at the BAPETEN Education and Training Division, welcomed the participants and guided them through the training process until March 1, 2024.

"Apart from taking part in training at the BAPETEN Training Center building, participants will also carry out practicum activities at Siloam Hospitals Bogor on Thursday, February 29, 2024," Dessy stated.

Ahmad Ciptadi Syuryavin, Head of the BAPETEN Education and Training Center, opened the training by explaining the benefits of the program and the materials that participants would receive.

"Radiation Protection and Safety Training is one of the nuclear energy supervision courses. "We, BAPETEN, as the Supervisory Agency, have a responsibility in this matter, namely how we can develop knowledge about nuclear and radiation in general for all related parties, both locally and nationally, on how to behave towards radiation because every technology definitely has its benefits and risks," said Ciptadi.

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"This training is the best opportunity for us to share knowledge about how we behave towards nuclear and radiation and how we protect ourselves to stay safe and secure," said Ciptadi.

Ciptadi continued, "In the next 5 days, it is hoped that the participants will be able to absorb the material presented, and the most important thing is that later it can be applied in their respective workplaces."

"Of course, we hope that participants can pass 100% successfully." Two critical aspects of nuclear energy supervision training are the development of national human resources and the socialization of benefits and risks, both advantages and disadvantages," he added.

Finally, Ciptadi hopes that this training will provide maximum benefits and that participants will gain balanced knowledge, allowing them to make better decisions about the use of nuclear energy in their respective agencies. (BHKK/Bams/GP)


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