Visit of the Urgent Drafting Team for the Draft Government Regulation in Lieu of Government Regulation No. 61 of 2013 on Radioactive Waste Management to Santosa Hospital Bandung Kopo
Kembali 26 Juni 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), through the Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DP2FRZR), conducted a field visit to Santosa Hospital Bandung Kopo on June 26, 2024. The drafting team for the urgent draft government regulation in lieu of Government Regulation (PP) No. 61 of 2013 on Radioactive Waste Management. This activity is a series of public consultations on the draft legislation in the field of radiation facilities and radioactive materials with stakeholders in West Java Province that had been held the day before. The visit of the drafting team was received directly by Dr. H. Rachim Dinata Marsidi, the Director of Santosa Hospital Bandung Kopo, and his staff.

In his opening remarks, Mukhlisin, the Director of DP2FRZR, stated that the goal of the visit was to observe the actual state of affairs in the field, particularly with regard to the management of radioactive waste, as the Santosa Hospital Bandung Kopo Hospital uses ionizing radiation sources that generate radioactive waste, specifically in nuclear medicine and radiotherapy facilities.

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Rachim also gave a presentation about the hospital's history, good services that use ionizing radiation sources, and the development plans for buildings and equipment in addition to using ionizing radiation sources, green stickers, and awards from BAPETEN. Rachim explained the hospital's intention to add facilities in the form of PET scans, cyclotrons, and two linac equipment in relation to the development of equipment that employs ionizing radiation sources.

In this activity, the Coordinator of the Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety Function Group, Aris Sanyoto, gave a presentation on the preparation of the Urgent Manuscript of the Draft Government Regulation (RPP) in lieu of PP No. 61 of 2013. In his presentation, Aris explained the purpose of the visit, the organizational structure of BAPETEN, and the organizational structure of DP2FRZR, the background to the preparation of the urgent draft of the RPP in lieu of PP No. 61 of 2013, the output of the activity in the form of an analysis report on the implementation of regulations and urgent drafts, and the timeline for the preparation of urgent drafts.

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Furthermore, the Santosa Hospital Bandung Kopo Hospital, represented by Dr. Mahardika, delivered a presentation on the existing conditions of radioactive waste management from radiotherapy and nuclear medicine facilities. Dr. Mahardika outlined the potential dangers of radioactive waste, the basis of regulations related to radioactive waste management, waste management activities at Santosa Hospital Bandung Kopo Hospital, the principles of radioactive waste processing, the types of waste produced (I-131, Tc-99m, Co-57, Ir-192), radioactive waste management, the return of sources to the vendor provider to be sent to the country of origin, and minutes of the release of solid and liquid waste. In this activity, the team drafting the urgent draft regulation had the opportunity to visit radiotherapy facilities, nuclear medicine facilities, and radioactive waste management facilities.

At the end of the activity, Mukhlisin expressed his gratitude to the hospital for providing the opportunity to see the operational portrait of the utilization of ionizing radiation sources and radioactive waste management. The results of the visit will be used as a basis for the implementation of radioactive waste management governance to be considered in the revision of PP No. 61 of 2013. Hopefully, the cooperation can continue to run well, and it is hoped that the hospital can receive the BAPETEN Award again this year. (DP2FRZR/Intan/BHKK/CD/Translator: GP)

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