Visit of the Team for Drafting Legislative Regulations in the Field of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances to the PT Sarihusada Generasi Mahardika Prambanan Factory
Kembali 07 Maret 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DP2FRZR) held a visit and discussion regarding the implementation of statutory regulations regarding radiation facilities and radioactive substances at non-destructive test facilities using fixed ionizing radiation sources at PT Sarihusada Generasi Mahardhika (PT SGM) Prambanan Factory on March 7, 2024.

This activity is a series of activities to develop legal regulations in the field of radiation facilities and radioactive substances with stakeholders in the Yogyakarta Special Region province, which was held the day before.


In his speech, PT SGM, represented by Factory Facility & Services Manager East, Syarif Karnadi, welcomed the arrival of the BAPETEN DP2FRZR team and gathered relevant managers and supervisors from various divisions to hold discussions with the team. In its introduction, the BAPETEN DP2FRZR team, represented by the Arrangements for Supervision of Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety (PPRKL) Function Group Coordinator, Aris Sanyoto, said that this visit was not an inspection activity to check how to comply with regulations but to gain knowledge in the field that could be useful in preparing regulatory requirements.


Syarif Karnadi also delivered a presentation regarding the Prambanan Factory Introduction and the use of X-rays at PT SGM. In his presentation, Syarif introduced and explained the values held firmly by all PT SGM employees. PT SGM is being grateful and working according to procedures, somehow humanizing humans, always remembering the afterlife, letting us study, take care of ourselves, friends, and work, and don't be dependent.


PT SGM Prambanan East Factory is the largest factory for packaging milk in Indonesia. Regarding the use of ionizing radiation sources, PT SGM has a total of nine X-ray machines, which are used in the filling and packing area to detect foreign matter such as Fe-12 and Al-12 in the milk packaging it produces.

During this visit, the regulatory team obtained information regarding the company profile, process flow, specifications of the X-ray equipment used, maintenance programs, and the company's commitment to comply with all regulations set by the government. It is hoped that the results of this visit will increase the insight of the drafting team to formulate better and more implementable regulations. [DP2FRZR/Diella Ayudhya Susanti/BHKK/Bams/GP]


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