The Online Inspection for Central Java Province
Kembali 26 April 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), through the Directorate of Inspection of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DIFRZR), conducted an online inspection. The innovation of supervision carried out by BAPETEN has been carried out by utilizing information technology. DIFRZR conducted an online inspection using video conference technology to supervise facilities that utilize ionizing radiation. The inspection was carried out on April 22-26, 2024, in Central Java Province.

This inspection was led directly by Chief Inspector Leily Savitri, accompanied by Inspectors Esturini Fitriyanti and Sri Riantiningsih, who carried out supervision at the Anisah Demak Clinic, Ketapang Demak Clinic, PKU Aisyiyah Jepara Hospital, Pramita Magelang Clinical Laboratory, and Karangawen Demak Health Center.

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The growth in the number of business actors utilizing ionizing radiation sources, which has reached more than 4,600 facilities throughout Indonesia, has necessitated the development of a supervision method by BAPETEN. The use of ionizing radiation must be supervised by BAPETEN to ensure that it continues to follow safety and security standards in accordance with established regulations. If relying only on routine inspection schedules, of course supervision will not be optimal.


The output of the inspection results obtained were the safety and security indicator results for three Very Good Facilities (valued above 90) for the Pramita Clinical Laboratory, Karangawen I Health Center, and Anisah Demak Clinic, while for PKU Aisyiyah Jepara Hospital and Ketapang Demak Clinic, they received a good predicate (values between 70 and 89).


This activity is an effort for permit holders (business actors) to further increase awareness of safety and security in the use of radioactive substances and ionizing radiation generators and the formation of a safety culture in facilities that utilize ionizing radiation. (DIFRZR/Dwicahyadi/BHKK/OR/GP)

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