The Fourth Phase of Facility Safety Verification Report Workshop
Kembali 26 Juni 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN, through the Directorate of Inspection of Radiation and Radioactive Materials (DIFRZR), again held a Facility Safety Verification Report (LVKF) workshop on June 25 and 26, 2024. The purpose of this activity is to raise awareness of the requirement for business actors who utilize ionizing radiation sources to complete the Facility Safety Verification Report (LVKF), which is required by Government Regulation (PP) 45 of 2023, article 64, paragraph 3.

The workshop was attended by more than 23 health and industrial facilities from various regions of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, and West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). It is hoped that with this workshop, business actors can understand the technicalities of filling out the LVKF, which is an obligation for business actors both in health and industrial facilities through Balis Infara (BAPETEN Licensing and Inspection System Online 2.0 - Inspection of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials). The LVKF workshop on the first day contained technical material on filling out the LVKF by Novriman Livia, and the second day was filled with material on the follow-up to BAPETEN inspection results presented by Samsiatun Mudzkhiyah.

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The material presented by Novriman Livia as required in PP 45 of 2023 in article 64 paragraphs 3 and 4, all radiation facilities are required to report the safety conditions of their facilities to BAPETEN, once a year through (LVKF) at Balis Infara. Meanwhile, in the material on the follow-up to the inspection results, it was explained how the facilities follow up on the inspection results, which are one of the requirements for extending the BAPETEN permit.

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After the introductory material session was carried out, a question-and-answer session was opened, which was facilitated by all DIFRZR Inspection Staff who answered all questions from the facilities related to LVKF problems, follow-up to inspection results, and various other topics.

With the presence of the fourth wave of the LVKF workshop, it is hoped that business actors in the field of ionizing radiation source utilization will understand well the provisions for LVKF reporting and the closing of BAPETEN inspection findings so that the safety and security conditions of the use of ionizing radiation sources can be monitored by BAPETEN better. (DIFRZR/dwicahyadi/BHKK/cd/Translator: GP)

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