The Collaborative Radiation Safety Inspection by the Health Offices of Kuningan Regency and Banjar City, West Java
Kembali 27 Juni 2024 | Berita BAPETENIn accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Acting Chairman of BAPETEN and the Acting Governor of West Java at Gedung Sate, West Java, in November 2023. Its implementation includes implementing collaborative supervision of radiation facilities and radioactive substances in the West Java region.
On June 26, 2024, the Health Office Team of Kuningan Regency, West Java, led by Eva Maya with team members Euis Herna Marlyna, Amanda Putra Prabowo, and Tita Ristiani, conducted a collaborative radiation safety inspection at Pradipa Hospital and Linggajati Hospital, Kuningan Regency, West Java.
At Banjar Patroman Hospital and Asih Husada Langensari Hospital in Banjar City, West Java, the Health Office Team, under the direction of Mr. Dedi Kusdianto and Member Iman Kurnia, carried out a collaborative radiation safety inspection.
The implementation of collaborative supervision between BAPETEN and the Health Office in the Regency/City, in West Java, is the latest innovation of the Directorate of Inspection of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DIFRZR) BAPETEN. According to DIFRZR Director Asep Saefulloh Hermawan, "Supervision of Business Licensing to Support Business Activities (PB UMKU) related to the use of nuclear energy must still be carried out even though there are budget limitations. Collaboration with the local government, in this case the Health Office, is very much needed in supervising the use of nuclear energy."
It is expected that with the various collaborations carried out by BAPETEN, it will be able to strengthen the supervision activities of the use of ionizing radiation and radioactive materials in health facilities in Indonesia so that safety and security for workers, the community, and the environment from the dangers of ionizing radiation will be created optimally. [DIFRZR/DwiCahyadi/BHKK/SP/Translator: GP]
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