The Birth of Pancasila Commemoration Ceremony in 2024
Kembali 01 Juni 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) held a Birth of Pancasila Commemoration Ceremony on June 1, 2024, in the Yard of Building A of the BAPETEN Office, Jakarta. Acting as the Ceremony Instructor was the Acting Chairman of BAPETEN, Sugeng Sumbarjo, attended by Echelon I and II officials and all BAPETEN employees.

Through the theme "Pancasila, the Soul of the Nation's Unity Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045," which contains the meaning that Pancasila unites us with all differences in ethnicity, religion, culture, and language in welcoming 100 years of a Golden Indonesia that is advanced, independent, and sovereign.

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In the speech of the Head of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BPIP RI), read by the Acting Head of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo as the ceremony instructor, he said that "Pancasila and the values it contains are the stars that guide the life of the nation in accordance with the ideals of the founding of the country. The existence of Pancasila is a gift from God Almighty for the Indonesian nation. Pancasila contains noble values that uphold the values of inclusivity, tolerance, and mutual cooperation. The diversity that exists is a blessing woven into the national identity of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika."

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The speech also conveyed an invitation to work together to ground the values of Pancasila in every aspect of social, national, and state life. "As a static table, Pancasila has proven to be able to unite us in facing various waves of challenges and historical tests, so that until now Indonesia still stands strong and resilient as a great nation. Meanwhile, as a dynamic leader, Pancasila is a guiding star that brings Indonesia to the gates of progress and prosperity in the current era of technological and information globalization. We must always live and guide Pancasila so that it becomes a working ideology, whose presence and benefits are felt by all of Indonesia's people."


Happy Birth of Pancasila Day! [BHKK/YS/GP]

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