Technical Guidance for Licensing of Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources for Users of Non-Destructive Testing of Industrial Radiography and Photofluorography Techniques in Batam City
Kembali 04 Juli 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), through the Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR), conducted a Technical Guidance for Licensing of Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources for Business Actors in the field of Non-Destructive Testing of Industrial Radiography and Photofluorography Techniques in Batam City, Riau Islands Province, which was held on Thursday (04/07/2024).

This activity was opened by Ishak, the Director of DPFRZR, who expressed his gratitude to the business actors who attended the activity. The participants who attended the activity numbered 38 people from 32 business actors with facilities and business locations or projects in the Riau Islands. On this occasion, Ishak explained that the activity was held to disseminate policies/regulations in the context of licensing, including the dissemination of Government Regulation (PP) Number 45 of 2023 concerning Ionizing Radiation Safety and Radioactive Material Security, transportation of radioactive materials, and analysis of the suitability of the number of personnel in activities considering the project location, radiography camera, and workload. At this meeting, BAPETEN expects input from participants regarding the implementation of nuclear energy regulations in business activities.

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Ida Bagus Manuaba, Acting Coordinator of the Research and Industrial Facilities Licensing Function Group, BAPETEN, led a presentation and discussion that followed, with three speakers from BAPETEN. Kristyo Rumboko introduced the first topic, which was titled "Implementation of Radiation Safety in Non-Destructive Testing Activities of Industrial Radiography Techniques Based on PP No. 45 of 2023." Nugraha Dwi Santosa presented the following information, headed "Implementation of Legislation Concerning the Transportation of Radioactive Substances in Industrial Radiography Activities." Additionally, M. Angger Anompa provided the final part of material on "Utilization of Non-Destructive Radioactive Materials Testing Related to Personnel Workload."


In the discussion activity, participants asked about several things related to licensing in the field of non-destructive testing and photofluorography, such as the handling of ionizing radiation sources that are no longer used, the urgency of the need for thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLD badges) in photofluorography activities, the availability of radioactive material security officers (PKZR), the preparation of radiation safety verification reports, and features on Balis Online 2.5. The event was then closed by Ishak with the hope that this activity would increase knowledge and information that could help business actors, especially for the benefit of public licensing services. (DPFRZR/Supriatno/BHKK/GP)


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