Technical Guidance for Licensing of Nuclear Power Sector Sub-sector of SRP Utilization for Licensing Officers of DPMPTSP, Health Office, Industry and Trade Office of Central Java Province and Kendal Special Economic Zone Administrator
Kembali 20 Juni 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), through the Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR), held a Technical Guidance Activity for Licensing of Nuclear Power Sector for DPMPTSP Officers, Health Office, and Industry and Trade Office of Central Java Province and Kendal Special Economic Zone (SEZ or Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus/KEK) Administrator, Semarang, Central Java, Thursday (20/06/2024).

The event was opened by Ishak, the Director of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials, who expressed his gratitude to the participants who attended from DPMPTSP representatives in Central Java Province, Health Office, Industry and Trade Office of Central Java Province, and Kendal Special Economic Zone Administrator. Ishak said that "Almost all hospitals have general radiography; therefore, information regarding the obligation to have a permit must be conveyed properly. BAPETEN must be able to provide the best service for business actors in managing these permits”.

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The Head of The Investment Board One-Stop Service, or Dinas Penanaman Modal Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP) of Central Java Province, Sakina Rosellasari, also attended the event by giving a welcoming speech. Sakina Rosellasari said that “This technical guidance is carried out to provide an understanding of the nuclear sector licensing process flow to officers at DPMPTSP of the Province, Regency/City, Health Office, and Industry and Trade Office of Central Java Province and Kendal KEK Administrator. Ishak said that almost all hospitals have general radiography and hopes that participants can absorb as much knowledge as possible from the speakers as a provision for licensing assistance to business actors.

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The next session was the presentation session for the introduction of DPMPTSP of Central Java Province on “Risk-Based Business Licensing Services in Central Java,” which was delivered by Ziza Gita Hardini, the business and service analyst at DPMPTSP of Central Java Province.

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A presentation and discussion session followed the event. "Introduction to Risk and Protection in the Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources" by Ida Bagus Manuaba, "Introduction to the Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources in the Health, Industry, and Research Sectors" by Grace Esterina, "Ionizing Radiation Source Utilization Monitoring System" by Muhammad Dradjat Kurniawan, and "Integrated Ionizing Radiation Source Utilization Licensing System OSS-RBA (Online Single Submission Risk Based Approach)" by Toni Wahyu Pamungkas were among the materials that were presented.

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The two participants who answered the post-test questions with the highest and fastest scores received awards or door prizes from DPFRZR as a token of appreciation. Furthermore, Ishak finished the session with an expectation that this technical assistance will aid business actors by increasing knowledge and information, particularly for the benefit of public licensing services. (DPFRZR/Sugiyanto/BHKK/CD/Translator: GP)

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