Socialization of BAPETEN Regulation Number 3 of 2023 on Procedures for the Formation of Legislation and Preparation of Legal Instruments within the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency
Kembali 05 Februari 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DP2FRZR) of BAPETEN held a socialization of the regulation, which was opened by the Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Haendra Subekti on Monday, February 5, 2024.

The socialization was attended by the Director of DP2FRZR Mukhlisin, Acting Director of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Material (DP2IBN) Bambang Eko Aryadi, Head of Bureau of Legal Affairs, Cooperation, and Public Communication (BHKK) Indra Gunawan, along with staff from the Legal Function Group, Functional Officials of the Radiation Supervisors, and also related staff from the Bureau of Organization and General Services and the Bureau of Planning, Information, and Finance.

In his introduction, Mukhlisin said that he was grateful for the implementation of this socialization. He hopes to get the most detailed information regarding the updating of BAPETEN Regulation (Perba) No. 8 of 2018, which has been implemented to become Perba No. 3 of 2023.


"Thank you for taking the time and later sharing your knowledge regarding the formation of laws and regulations in BAPETEN. We really hope to get information on strategies to get input through community participation, including documentation and dissemination," said Mukhlisin.

"We from DP2FRZR want to fully participate in this activity, so it is hoped that the preparation of regulations that we are currently implementing in 2024 can be completed in accordance with Perba 3 of 2023," he continued.

"Hopefully, with the presentation at this socialization, we can provide quality regulations that can be implemented in the future," added Mukhlisin, ending his introduction.

Meanwhile, Acting Director of DP2IBN Bambang Eko Aryadi also expressed his gratitude for participating in this socialization and also thanked the other participants who were present.


"Thank you to all who have attended the socialization event for the formation of laws and regulations in the BAPETEN environment," he said.

According to Bambang, with the issuance of BAPETEN Regulation No. 3 of 2023, it is hoped that it can increase the effectiveness and efficiency in the formation of laws and regulations in the Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency.

"Hopefully from this event we can hear the new guidelines contained in Perba No. 3 of 2023, and hopefully this event can run smoothly and can produce a good understanding from all of us," said Bambang.

Furthermore, Indra Gunawan, Head of Bureau of Legal Affairs, Cooperation, and Public Communication, explained the history of why the revision of BAPETEN Regulation No. 8 of 2018 was carried out, and he welcomed the holding of this socialization.


"I welcome a forum like this; therefore, we can be open to each other in conveying what has been achieved and what has not been achieved, so that intervention is needed," said Indra.

Indra also mentioned coordination with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights: "We need information related to difficulties in coordinating with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, so that we can bridge such matters; BHKK is the entry and exit point in coordination and communication with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights," explained Indra.

In this socialization, the Coordinator of the Legal Affairs Group, Surachmat, gave a presentation on the procedures for the formation of legislation and the preparation of legal instruments in the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency. He explained the legal basis, background, and initiator.

"In the preparation of the Draft Law (RUU), the initiator forms a drafting team and an inter-ministerial and/or inter-non-ministerial committee before the draft law is stipulated in the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) list," explained Surachmat.


In terms of the final formulation of the Draft Law that has been approved by the Head of the Agency, Surachmat said that the initiator: a). prepare a letter from the Head of the Agency to the minister or head of the institution that organizes government affairs in the field of the formation of legislation to carry out harmonization, consolidation, and consolidation of the concept; b). attend every stage of harmonization, consolidation, and consolidation of the concept at the ministry or agency that organizes government affairs in the field of the formation of legislation; and c). prepare presentation materials for the harmonization, consolidation, and consolidation of the concept.

In the case of the Draft Government Regulation or Draft Presidential Regulation prepared in the inter-ministerial and/or inter-non-ministerial committee stage has been approved by the Head of the Agency, Surachmat explained that the Initiator: prepares a letter from the Head of the Agency to the minister or Head of the Agency that organizes government affairs in the field of the formation of Legislation to carry out harmonization, consolidation, and consolidation of the concept; attend every stage of harmonization, consolidation, and consolidation of the concept at the ministry or agency that organizes government affairs in the field of the formation of Legislation; and prepare presentation materials for harmonization, rounding, and strengthening the concept.


Regarding the preparation of legislation, Surachmat said, "The Draft Agency Regulation that has been completed and submitted by the initiator to the Executive Secretary through the bureau for further harmonization by the minister or head of the agency that organizes government affairs in the field of the formation of legislation.".

He added that the submission of the Perba draft will be submitted no later than October of the current year. [BHKK/Bams/Vania/GP]

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