Public Consultation about Presidential Regulation Draft on Nuclear Master Plan
Kembali 03 Juni 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN's Directorate for Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Material (RFRM) held a public consultation about the Presidential Regulation Draft on Nuclear Master Plan by inviting relevant experts and stakeholders, on Friday (03/6/2022).

Attending this activity, there were Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga, a speaker from Dr. Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta Dr. Hanif Ashari Sp. KN-TM (K), a speaker from Nuclear Energy Research Organization (ORTN) of National Research Agency (BRIN) Emy Mulyani, Ph.D.

Also presents, the academics from Gajah Mada University (UGM), Yogyakarta State University (UNY), Ahmad Dahlan University and National Development University (UPN) Veteran Yogyakarta as well as representatives from Yogyakarta Development Planning Board (Bappeda), Yogyakarta Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD), Dr. Sardjito Hospital, and JIH Hospital.

In her speech, Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga said this activity was aimed in providing information and getting input from the public and stakeholders about the Presidential Regulation Draft on Nuclear Master Plan (RIK), which contains the vision, mission, policies, strategies and main priorities, target and milestones, as well as medium and long-term strategic plans.

The Nuclear Master Plan aims to be a grand strategy capable to encourage the growth of nuclear and nuclear-based industries in Indonesia that are safe, secure, good quality, competitive, environmentally friendly, and sustainable.


The Coordinator of the Regulatory Function for Non-Reactor Nuclear Installation Farid N Jusuf said the Nuclear Master Plan (RIK) has a vision of Nuclear Energy for Prosperity, Energy Security and Technology Mastery which is safe, secure, and environmentally friendly.

Meanwhile, RIK has several scopes, including research and development, mining of nuclear material, nuclear energy, utilization in the health and industrial fields, production of radioisotopes/radiopharmaceuticals, and management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel which must always be in line with the principles of safety, security, and environmentally friendly.

In his presentation entitled Development of Nuclear Medicine to Realize Indonesia's 2045 Vision, dr. Hanif Ashari said several things, about the scope of nuclear medicine and the expansion plan to develop nuclear medicine services in Indonesia.Ashari also tells that this time a new paradigm in the medical world is developing, namely Theranostics, where diagnosis and specific targeted therapy are combined to achieve a personalized approach medicine. Based on that thing and the limitations that Indonesia has in terms of resources and human resources, a government policy is needed to support and facilitate the development of molecular theranostic-nuclear medical services.


Emmy Mulyani said that BRIN plans to set up a BRIN Accelerator Research Complex, which aims to education and develop human resources. The planned locations are in the Yogyakarta Nuclear Area and Serpong Nuclear Area. For irradiation services and applied research and development products, it will be held at the Pasar Jumat Nuclear Area, Jakarta.

In the question and answer session, participants communicate their hopes for nuclear energy policies to fulfil electricity needs and support climate control in the future. Synchronization of the energy transition roadmap towards net-zero emission needs to be done with coordination between ministries/agencies and the support of stakeholders and business actors.

Director of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials (INM) Haendra Subekti deliver a closing statement that BAPETEN would consider all inputs from experts and stakeholders to be included in the Presidential Regulation Draft on Nuclear Master Plan. (DPIIBN/Anri/Manda/BHKK/Bams/Da).

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