ISO 9001:2015 Surveillance Audit at the Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
Kembali 30 April 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Nuclear Engineering and Preparedness (DKKN) BAPETEN has again maintained its ISO 9001:2015 certification for the appointment of nuclear testing institutions and nuclear training institutions after going through a surveillance audit process by SAI Global Auditor. The 2024 surveillance is the second surveillance audit after DKKN received the ISO 9001:2015 certificate on May 27, 2022.

The surveillance on Thursday, April 30, 2024, took place in the Emergency Response Room (RTD), Building C, BAPETEN, and was attended by Zulkarnain as the Director of DKKN, accompanied by Rini Suryanti as the Coordinator of the Quality Assurance Function Group and all staff from the Quality Assurance Function Group and Representatives from the Bureau of Organization and General Services (BOU).


The implementation of ISO 9001:2015 surveillance aims to ensure the consistency of the implementation of the established Quality Management System, ensure that the management system is appropriate for the organization, and ensure that the management system is effective, and the organization is able to achieve the goals that have been set.


The meeting was opened with remarks and direction from the Director of DKKN, who conveyed DKKN's readiness to conduct surveillance and DKKN's commitment to implementing a quality management system in every implementation of its duties and functions.

This surveillance focuses on the management system, including those related to risk mitigation, management review, internal audit, documented information, user satisfaction survey results, and handling customer complaints. Then continued with an audit of the implementation of the Nuclear Testing Institute services related to the appointment and surveillance process flow. Then the last is an audit related to training and improving human resources competency. All questions can be answered well, and all evidence can also be shown.

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SAI Global Auditor, Dipo Pramudito, at the closing meeting stated that DKKN had implemented the management system well so that DKKN was still recommended to obtain ISO 9001:2015 certification without any major or minor findings. For this achievement, the Director of DKKN appreciates the efforts and cooperation of the DKKN team in preparing this surveillance. DKKN is committed to continuing to maintain performance in providing optimal public services and always innovating and making continuous improvements. (DKKN/Irma/BHKK/Bams/GP)

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