Handover of ISO 9001:2015 Certificate and Declaration of DKKN BAPETEN Integrity Zone
Kembali 27 Mei 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DKKN) BAPETEN received iso-9001:2015 certificate as a form of recognition for the fulfilment of the quality management system, with the scope of certification in the field of service for the appointment of Power Test Institutes and Energy Training Institutions.

The ISO 9001:2015 certificate was handed over by the SAI Global certification agency represented by Elvy Chandra as Country Manager of SAI Global in Indonesia to the Director of DKKN, Zulkarnain. The submission of the ISO 9001: 2015 certificate was witnessed by Zainal Arifin as Deputy Chairman of Licensing and Inspection and Rini Suryanti Coordinator of the Quality Assurance Function as iso implementer for the appointment of Power Test Institutions and Power Training Institutions in an event held at the Santika Slipi Hotel Jakarta on Friday (27/05/2022).


The event was opened with the submission of a report on the implementation of ISO 9001: 2015 certification by the coordinator of KFJM, Rini Suryanti who stated that the success in obtaining the ISO 9001: 2015 certificate could not be separated from the joint efforts and cohesiveness and solidarity of the ISO 9001: 2015 team and all related parties.

Zulkarnain stated that the success of obtaining an ISO 9001: 2015 certificate is not an end but is the beginning of the struggle to be able to maintain and improve achievements so far.

Meanwhile, Zainal stated the importance of quality assurance certification in service as a form of meeting excellent service standards in the industrial era 4.0 to the service user community.


Also present at this event were representatives from related work units, including BOU, BPIK, DPFRZR, all ISO 9001: 2015 Team personnel, representatives from outside BAPETEN, including PT. Eksgon Brothers, PT Global Promedika Service, PT Phillips Indonesia, PT Spektrum Kreasi Pratama, and PT Sri Intan Perkasa.



In addition to the submission of iso 9001:2015 certificates, at the event, the establishment of an integrity zone was held and marked by the signing of an integrity pact carried out by all service process implementers in DKKN, from the leadership level to staff who were directly involved in the service process. This step is a form of joint commitment and support from the leadership to realize the integrity zone in the DKKN-BAPETEN environment. (DKKN/Eko Sapto Aji/BHKK/Bams/OR/RA)

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