FGD on Drafting Urgent Manuscript of Draft Revision of Government Regulation Number 61 of 2013 on Radioactive Waste Management
Kembali 12 Agustus 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), through the Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DP2FRZR), held a focus group discussion (FGD) activity in a series of drafting the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) on Monday, August 12, 2024, in Jakarta. This RIA activity is a series of activities in the urgent manuscript of the revision of Government Regulation (PP) Number 61 of 2013 on Radioactive Waste Management. The FGD activity was carried out by inviting representatives of stakeholders affected by the revision of this government regulation, namely the Radioactive Waste Processing Installation (IPLR), Nuclear Technology Research Organization (ORTN) - the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Centre for Research on Nuclear Materials and Radioactive Waste Technology (PRTBNLR), representatives of business actors in the medical field from the MRCCC Hospital, representatives of industrial business actors from gamma ray companies, and representatives of work units from within BAPETEN.


The activity began with a speech from the Director of DP2FRZR, Mukhlisin. In his speech, Mukhlisin said that this FGD activity is a series of activities in order to prepare an urgent revision of PP No. 61 of 2013, including public consultation activities that have been carried out. This FGD activity focuses on several topics, namely the categorization of radioactive waste, reuse and recycling, and practices in the industrial and health sectors. The speech and direction, as well as opening the activity by the Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment (PKN), Haendra Subekti, who conveyed the importance of paying attention to the principle of accuracy in preparing a policy. "With the implementation of financial guarantees, it is something we need to discuss, which is intended to anticipate the difficulties of business actors in carrying out the process of managing the radioactive waste produced. The principle of a circular economy is important to consider in the substance of the regulation of radioactive waste management, in addition to the importance of competent officers," he explained.

Then the activity continued with two presentation sessions. The first session was moderated by Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga with resource persons Aris Sanyoto, who explained the activities of compiling the urgent script that had been carried out; Djarot Wisnubroto from BRIN, who conveyed the categorization of radioactive waste; and Suhartono from IPLR-BRIN, who conveyed the reusing and recycling of radioactive waste. Also discussed was the issue of the grouping of exempt waste in several countries as an issue that needs to be discussed further regarding whether it will be included in the draft revision of PP No. 61 of 2013 in the future. In his presentation, Suhartono explained the differences in the concepts of reusing and recycling. Also discussed was the issue of how to guarantee the quality of sources that are quite old and the issue of legality, whether the source can be legally modified or not.

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Soegeng Rahardhy led the second presentation session, which featured resource persons from the medical and industrial sectors, such as Dewi Kusuma from MRCCC Siloam and Ardiansyah, Director of Gamma Ray Indonesia. Ardiansyah presented the barriers to returning unused bundled radioactive materials to their place of origin. "The shipping process that requires re-export approval and also shipping approval is a separate issue that we must discuss together so that the process of returning to the country of origin runs smoothly," he explained. . The next presentation was delivered by Dewi Kusuma, who explained the management of open radioactive waste carried out in hospitals and issues regarding how measurements and calculations are carried out to ensure that the radioactive waste is below the clarity level.

After that, there was a more thorough discussion concerning the division of teams into four groups. These groups addressed topics including radioactive waste classification, radioactive waste reuse and recycling, industrial radioactive waste management of wrapped radioactive waste, and medical radioactive waste management. A notary and a facilitator from the DP2FRZR work unit team accompanied each group. The Director of DP2FRZR delivered the activity's conclusion, which will subsequently be investigated and added to the Regulatory Impact Assessment report document. BAPETEN, the decision-maker, will use this information to prepare the draft amendment of this government regulation. [DP2FRZR/Vatima/BHKK/GP]


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