Discussion Forum on Nuclear Power Plant Supervision
Kembali 26 Maret 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

A country that decides to start a nuclear power plant (PLTN) program must be based on a commitment to use nuclear technology safely, securely, and peacefully. This major commitment requires strong and sustainable national infrastructure support from various parties, namely the government, nuclear installation entrepreneurs, regulatory bodies, and stakeholders throughout the life cycle of the nuclear power plant.

Nuclear energy has the potential for significant safety risks if not strictly supervised. Supervision of nuclear power plants requires high levels of competence and expertise from multi-disciplinary sciences that can support the implementation of nuclear power plants. In addition, nuclear power supervision involves a deep understanding of the technical and operational aspects of nuclear facilities. Therefore, a Technical Support Organization (TSO) is needed to provide technical support to the regulatory body in ensuring the safe, effective, and efficient operation of nuclear power plants in accordance with applicable provisions and requirements.


As an initial exploration effort, mapping, and collection of information related to potential TSO candidates to support supervision readiness in order to welcome the construction of the first nuclear power plant in Indonesia, a discussion forum on nuclear power plant supervision was held on March 25, 2024. The forum was attended by BAPETEN leaders accompanied by related high-ranking officials: representatives of the National Energy Council (DEN), the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (SDM), the Director of Electricity, Telecommunications, and Informatics—the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas); representatives of PT Sucofindo; and PT PLN (Persero) Certification Center.

In this discussion forum, various materials were presented, including the Status and Progress: National Policy related to the Development of Nuclear Power Plants in Indonesia; Mechanisms and Experiences of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in Supervising Power Plants Using Third Parties; Overview of BAPPENAS Policy for the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) and National Medium-Term Development Planning (RPJMN) in the Development of Nuclear Power Plants in Indonesia; and National Planning for Electricity with New and Renewable Energy (EBT) in the first phase 2025-2029 by Bappenas.

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DEN member Agus Puji Prasetyono stated in his presentation, "The government is preparing the organization, regulations, and location plan for the construction of a safe, beneficial, and affordable nuclear power plant." Furthermore, Agus emphasized the choice of location for the construction of nuclear power plants in the National Energy Policy (KEN) plan: "Nuclear power plants are prioritized to be located outside Java, directed as a replacement for diesel power plants (de-dieselization). The first locations determined based on the DEN member meeting are West Kalimantan, Bangka Belitung, North Halmahera, and Southeast Sulawesi."

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It is hoped that through this discussion forum, a better understanding can be obtained about the role of TSO in supporting nuclear power plant supervision; there will be increased cooperation and collaboration between TSO, nuclear regulatory agencies, and other related Ministries/Institutions; and a concrete action plan will be drawn up to improve supervision of nuclear power plants in Indonesia. [DIIBN/WindaSarmita/BHKK/AQ/GP]

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