Coordination Meeting for the Preparation of the Draft Presidential Regulation on the National Policy and Strategy for the Management of Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel
Kembali 25 April 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency, BAPETEN, through the Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DP2FRZR), held a coordination meeting for the preparation of the Draft Presidential Regulation on the National Policy and Strategy for the Management of Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel, held at the BAPETEN Office on April 25, 2024. The agenda of the activity is Discussion of the Policy for the Management of Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and BAPETEN's Strategic Plan with The Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas.


The purpose of this activity:

1. To achieve an agreement regarding the implementation of the preparation of legislation on the National Policy and Strategy for the Management of Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel,

2. To achieve an agreement between BAPETEN and BAPPENAS regarding government support in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) and RPJMN related to the management system of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel for the medium and long term,

3. Follow-up plan for the national coordination meeting between Ministries/Institutions.

The meeting was attended by the Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Haendra Subekti, Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, Echelon II ranks, and staffs at the technical work unit. In his direction, Haendra said that every activity utilizing nuclear energy must apply the principle of justification in decision-making at the planning stage. The use of nuclear energy, both using radioactive substances and nuclear materials, will produce radioactive waste. Currently, in the implementation of radioactive waste management, there are various problems that arise and the steps to resolve them must be narrated in a policy. This draft presidential regulation contains an action plan that can be applied; there are priorities, targets, and various interested parties. The issue of radioactive waste is expected to be included in the National Long-Term Development Plan and Medium-Term Development Plan.

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Also present on this occasion was Aruminingsih as the Coordinator of Technology Diffusion and Innovation-Directorate of Higher Education and Science and Technology, Bappenas, who delivered a presentation on the National Policy on the Management of Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel. Aruminingsih conveyed crucial matters in the management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel, including: regulation of authority for managing radioactive waste, radioactive waste management activities as a result of the use of nuclear energy, information systems, transportation of radioactive waste, development of human resource competencies, and storage of radioactive waste. In addition, Aruminingsih also conveyed the Draft RPJPN 2025-2045: Development of Nuclear Energy in the Realization of Golden Indonesia, 17 Directions (Objectives) of Golden Indonesia Development 2045, and Direction of Policy and Strategy for the Development of Science, Technology, and Innovation (Iptekin) 2025-2045.

Follow-up of the meeting results so that the activities are included in the RPJMN so that the activities of the Preparation of the Draft Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia on the Policy and Strategy for the Management of Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel can be included in the regulation preparation program. For that, in addition to the Draft Presidential Regulation and Urgency Manuscript, BAPETEN also needs to prepare data and explanations related to the activities of preparing the Draft Presidential Regulation, the correlation of activities with related Development Activities (KP), namely KP 8, Management of Toxic and Hazardous (B3) and B3 Waste, and interests in national priorities. [Intanung Syafitri/DP2FRZR/BHKK/CD/GP]

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