Closing of BAPETEN 2nd Working Meeting for Fiscal Year 2020
Kembali 15 Desember 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

The working meeting during the pandemic was attended face-to-face by the Senior of Madya, Pratama High and attended virtually by coordinators and sub-coordinators in the BAPETEN environment. This working meeting is one of the main agendas of BAPETEN aimed at the Evaluation of 2020 Activities and the establishment of the 2021 Activity plan.

The event was held in Jakarta, 14-15 December 2020, discussing the Establishment and Outlook of the 2021 Activity Plan and Budget, Preparation of Policy Formulation and Action Plan 2021, Licensing related to Omnibus Law, Inspections Related to The Management of Abandoned Radioactive Waste and Strengthening Participatory Surveillance Infrastructure in the Region.



Before the event closed, resume meeting submitted by the Head of Planning, Information and Finance Bureau Sugeng Sumbarjo "direction of the Chairman of BAPETEN to improve the licensing system so as to facilitate users and evaluators, management of radioactive waste data integrated with all stakeholders, increased role of PPR in facilities in order to increase IKK Facilities, continue installation of RPM and RDMS and exposure to car radiation detection."



"And the Policy of Implementation of Activities 2021 such as conducting a review of DIPA TA 2021 and if necessary submit a proposed revision of DIPA, make improvements KAK/RAB to unblock DIPA 2021 and accelerate the procurement process of goods/services by prioritizing domestic production and improving the management system of ICT-based activities."

The working meeting was closed directly by the Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto. On this occasion, he targeted "activities and budgets can be realized well in 2021. This is also to help the government improve the economy due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, while maintaining health benefits."

In his closing remarks he also confirmed several things, "Inspection using IT must be improved, our task to make compliance is easy, fast and cheap. And to make the saddle difficult, slow and expensive, so that people prefer to obey because it is cheap while breaking is more difficult." [BHKK/YL/SP/RA/OR]

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