Basic Safety Culture Training
Kembali 29 April 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The government has signaled the importance of a safety culture in the use of nuclear power in Indonesia. A culture of nuclear safety, security, and preparedness involves anyone whose attitudes and behaviors can influence nuclear safety, not only operators and nuclear installation entrepreneurs but also supervisory bodies and related agencies, as mandated by Law No. 10 of 1997 concerning Nuclear Energy. For this reason, the BAPETEN Education and Training Center (BDL) is holding "Basic Level Safety Culture Training" which will be held face-to-face or classically at the BAPETEN Auditorium on April 29–30 and May 2, 2024.

The event began with a report from BAPETEN Education and Training Center Ahmad Ciptadi Syuryavin, who reported that "safety culture training was carried out last year; based on the evaluation of last year's training, we are holding basic level safety culture training, and soon we will continue with more training at a high level."

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"The aim of this training is, firstly, to realize the basic concept of safety culture, of course, in relation to safe use in the nuclear energy sector, and secondly, to equalize the perception of the safety culture that we hold, of course, in the field of nuclear energy supervision," he reported.

The training was opened by BAPETEN's Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment, Haendra Subekti, who, in his opening remarks, said, "Safety culture is the traits and attitudes in organizations and individuals that emphasize the importance of safety. Safety culture requires that all obligations related to safety be carried out correctly, thoroughly, and with a sense of responsibility.”

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"The development and development of human resource capabilities is an absolute requirement in order to support efforts to utilize nuclear energy and monitor it so that the use of nuclear energy truly improves people's welfare with a high level of safety. "This training and development (HR) is also carried out to increase discipline in operating nuclear installations and develop a safety culture," he stressed.

"Along with the increasing ability to master, develop, and apply technology in the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia, the monitoring system is also developing in accordance with current conditions," he added.

The training, which was attended by 27 BAPETEN employees, was followed by various presentations, including on policies related to safety culture, an introduction to safety culture and culture, Characteristics of Safety Culture: Safety as a clearly understood value, clear leadership for safety, clear safety accountability, Safety is integrated into all activities. Introduction to Safety Culture Assessment Methods will end with an exam. [BHKK/SP/GP]


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