Basic Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) Transport Code Training
Kembali 03 Mei 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN through the Education and Training Center held a Basic Level Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) Transport Code Training which was held face-to-face on 03 - 13 May 2024 at the BAPETEN Office. General Monte Carlo Code for N-Particle 6 (MCNP6) is a computer program commonly used to simulate the movement (transport) of neutron, proton and electron particles. With its ability to simulate the movement of these particles, MCNP6 can be used to calculate flux values, energy, dose etc. Because of this, MCNP6 is widely used in various application fields such as reactors, electron beam machines, cyclotrons, accelerators and others.

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The event began with a report from the Chief Executive of the Training, Thathit Lusprihatmini, who said that this training was one of the Institute's Priority Self-Management Training organized by the Education and Training Center in 2024 which was attended by 19 participants with 4 teachers, namely Daddy Setyawan, Agus Waluyo, Dedi Hermawan, and Diah Hidayanti Sukarno.


Furthermore, the training was opened by the Head of the Centre for Regulatory Assessment of Nuclear Installations and Materials, Yudi Pramono. In his remarks he said “MCNP is a code that applies the monte carlo method, but what is simulated is neutrons, photons (gamma or X-ray) and electrons. MCNP cannot simulate human movement. So if you want to simulate human movement with the monte carlo method, we have to make our own coding according to the governing equations.”

At the end of the training, participants will be given a certificate on the condition that they should attended the training according to the required attendance, worked on independent simulation project assignments, made case studies, visualized, and presented the results of independent simulation tasks.

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Participants are expected to be able to use the (MCNP) application with a simple model of official activities in the context of nuclear supervision in the fields of Nuclear Material Installation (IBN) and Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (FRZR).(BHKK/Chika)

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