BAPETEN Working Visit to DPMPTSP of East Java Province and Tanjung Perak Customs: Strengthening Nuclear Energy Collaboration
Kembali 06 Agustus 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) of BAPETEN conducted a series of working visits to the Investment and Integrated One-Stop Service Office (DPMPTSP) of East Java Province and the Tanjung Perak Customs and Excise Supervision and Service Office (Bea Cukai Tanjung Perak) on 5-6 August 2024. The visit aims to improve coordination and cooperation in licensing the nuclear energy sector as well as handling the import and transportation of radioactive materials.

The BAPETEN team was led by Radiation Supervisor Henda Yunihartanto, accompanied by other Radiation Supervisors, namely Kristyo Rumboko, Nugraha Dwi Santosa, Dwi Susanti, Ika Andesmawati, M Angger Anompa, and Said Wigo Ardiyatno.

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Visit to DPMPTSP East Java

The first visit was conducted on August 5, 2024, to the DPMPTSP Office of East Java Province. The BAPETEN team was welcomed by the Coordinator of the Licensing Substance for the People's Welfare and Environmental Sector of the DPMPTSP of East Java Province, Yuswanto, along with related staff.

In his remarks, the Coordinator of the Licensing Substance for the People's Welfare and Environmental Sector of the DPMPTSP of East Java Province expressed his appreciation for the visit by BAPETEN. "We are very grateful for BAPETEN's visit and hope that this collaboration can improve the quality of licensing process services, especially related to the nuclear energy sector in East Java Province."

The remarks were continued by the lead of the BAPETEN Radiation Supervisory Team, who explained that the purpose of this working visit was in the context of initial preparation for the implementation of workshops and technical guidance for licensing services for the nuclear energy sector for DPMPSP licensing service officers and regencies/cities throughout East Java Province.

"We were assigned to carry out initial coordination to prepare for the implementation of workshops and technical guidance for service officers related to licensing in the nuclear power sector in East Java Province; this is because this province has many business actors who have permits in the nuclear power sector," he explained.

The event continued with a detailed discussion of the technical implementation of the workshop and technical guidance, which is planned to be held at the end of August 2024. The discussion was carried out so that the workshop and technical guidance that were carried out could run well and be successful.

At the end of the meeting, the lead of the BAPETEN Radiation Supervisory Team expressed his gratitude to the East Java Province DPMPTSP and all its staff for their warm welcome and good cooperation. "We are grateful for the willingness of the DPMPTSP team. We also need to discuss further the details of the implementation of this workshop and technical guidance."

"With this workshop and technical guidance activity, it is hoped that it can provide an understanding of the DPMPTSP licensing service officers and assist their duties in providing consultation services to business actors utilizing ionizing radiation sources in East Java Province," he added.

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Visit to Tanjung Perak Customs

On the second visit, which was conducted on August 6, 2024, the BAPETEN Radiation Supervisory Team conducted a working visit to the Tanjung Perak Customs Office. The BAPETEN Team was received by the Head of Tanjung Perak Customs, Dwiyanto Wahyudi, along with his staff.

In his remarks, Dwiyanto expressed his appreciation to the BAPETEN team, who had visited in the context of coordinating supervision duties related to the import of ionizing radiation sources. It is hoped that this meeting can increase the understanding of customs officers about radiation safety and security in carrying out daily tasks in the field.

The remarks were continued by the lead of the BAPETEN Radiation Supervisory Team, who expressed his gratitude for receiving this working visit. The purpose and objective of the visit to customs is in the context of coordination so as to facilitate the implementation of import-export related to ionizing radiation sources.

"This activity aims to coordinate and collaborate on the import and export of ionizing radiation sources, including discussions related to ionizing radiation sources in the Tanjung Perak Customs environment," he added.

The event was continued with a presentation by Dwiyanto, who explained the data on the import of ionizing radiation sources at Tanjung Perak customs, prohibitions and restrictions, including the identification of prohibited goods, the Indonesia National Trade Repository, and restricted areas at customs.

The presentation was continued by Nugraha Dwi Santosa, who presented a presentation on several things that needed to be discussed, including the storage location for dangerous goods (class 7) radioactive materials, the import-export process of ionizing radiation sources, and data elements requested from BAPETEN in order to release goods out of the customs area, including ionizing radiation sources in the customs area.

At the end of the event, the lead of the BAPETEN Radiation Supervisory Team expressed his gratitude for the reception of this working visit and hoped that this coordination would continue to support the duties and functions of BAPETEN and Tanjung Perak Customs in implementing the import-export of ionizing radiation sources in the Tanjung Perak customs area.

With this working visit, it is hoped that BAPETEN, together with the East Java Province DPMPTSP and Tanjung Perak Customs, can continue to coordinate in improving licensing services and handling of radioactive material transportation, as well as collaborating in preparing a follow-up plan to accelerate the implementation of business in the nuclear power sector in East Java Province. [DPFRZR/KristyoRumboko/BHKK/SP/Translator: GP]

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