BAPETEN Visit to Brawijaya University for Joint Review of INNR Safety Analysis Aspect Documents
Kembali 19 Februari 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to expand the network for coordination and collaboration with academics, to be involved in the evaluation of non-reactor nuclear installation (INNR) licensing documents and field verification in facing the challenges of INNR licensing evaluation in Indonesia, the Directorate of Nuclear Installation and Material Licensing (DPIBN) BAPETEN conducted a working visit to the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University (DTI FT UB), on Monday, February 19, 2024.

The event began with remarks by the Coordinator of the BAPETEN Non-Reactor Nuclear Installation Licensing Function Group, Widia Lastana Istanto, who in her remarks said, "The purpose of this activity is to share knowledge and experience and map the competency of expertise related to industrial safety analysis in nuclear installations which is packaged in the form of a joint review. In general, joint review activities in evaluating nuclear installation licensing, BAPETEN will involve External Technical Support Organizations from academics, practitioners from industry, and other research institutions. This Joint Review is very necessary to support BAPETEN's role as a regulator, to increase the capacity of evaluators, and is expected to maintain BAPETEN's independence which will then increase the effectiveness of supervision of nuclear energy utilization, in the process of issuing nuclear installation permits."

The speech was continued by the Head of DTI Sugiono, who in his speech said "DTI FT UB has experience in conducting industrial safety analysis by collaborating with the oil and gas industry. This well-established cooperation is expected to continue and be expanded for other activities."


The event continued with a presentation on "Nuclear Installation Licensing Process and the Role of External Task Safety Observation (TSO) in Supporting the Effectiveness of the Evaluation Process of Non-Reactor Nuclear Installation Licensing" by the Coordinator of the BAPETEN Non-Reactor Nuclear Installation Licensing Function Group and a presentation on "Hazard and Risk Analysis in Industry, and Its Possible Applications to Nuclear Installations" by the Head of the Ergonomics, Work Design and Product Innovation Lab Rio Prasetyo Lukodono.

This field visit was led by the Coordinator of the BAPETEN Non-Reactor Nuclear Installation Licensing Function Group Widia Lastana Istanto who was accompanied by the nuclear installation and material evaluator. The BAPETEN Team's visit was received directly by the Head of DTI Sugiono, Secretary of DTI Oke Oktavianty, Head of the Masters Study Program Ishardita Pambudi Tama, Head of the Basic Engineering Science Lab Dwi Hadi Sulistyarini, Head of the Data Analysis and Quality Engineering Lab Wifqi Azlia, Head. Optimization, Information Systems and Decision Support Lab. Angga Akbar Fanani, Head. Lean Manufacturing Systems and Sustainability Lab. Zefry Darmawan, Head. Ergonomics, Work Design and Product Innovation Lab. Rio Prasetyo Lukodono, and Head of DTI Administration Affairs Anggi Anggraeni, and other DTI UB staff.

The event was closed with a discussion and Q&A on various topics in the field of risk analysis and management in nuclear installations. From this visit, information was obtained that DTI FT UB has the expertise and experience to support BAPETEN in aspects of industrial hazard analysis, including risk management in nuclear installations. [DPIBN/Yepi/Siwhan/BHKK/SP/GP]


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