BAPETEN Leadership Open Series of Blessing Ramadhan Activities in 1445 H
Kembali 13 Maret 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

On Wednesday, March 13, 2024, the BAPETEN leaders, represented by the Deputy for Nuclear Safety Studies, Haendra Subekti, formally inaugurated a range of events for the 1445 H Blessing Ramadhan. Under the aegis of the BAPETEN KORPRI Spiritual Sector, DKM Al Hidayah BAPETEN arranged the Blessing Ramadhan 1445 H events.

Ramadan Tarhib, Ba'da Zhuhur Study, Muslimah Study, Tahsin-Talaqi, Orphan Compensation, Eid Gifts, and a number of other activities make up the Blessing Ramadhan 1445 H activities.

Representing BAPETEN's leaders, Haendra wishes the members and staff of the organization a pleasant Ramadan. "This auspicious month, strive to accomplish goals related to worship with intention. To the congregation in attendance, he urged them, "Don't waste the time given because it's not certain that we will be able to meet the next Ramadan."

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Haendra suggested that the amount of worship time should be increased beyond what is customary. It is now mandatory for those who don't typically pray in congregation at the Al-Hidayah mosque to do so. Because of this, the director, head of center, or head of bureau must establish a policy allowing meetings or work-from-office (WFO) activities to end at 11:30 AM so that staff members can go to the Al-Hidayah mosque to pray in congregation. We can move the start time of the meeting to 8.30 AM," he remarked.

Haendra went on, "Office working hours have also been shortened by one hour so that we can leave early at 3.00 PM and allow BAPETEN employees to participate in pre-Maghrib activities at home, in the community, or at the mosque." It's preferable to shorten workdays in order to have more time to practice prayers.

This was also the moment when the new DKM Chairman, Bhakti Dwi Yoga, took over from the outgoing DKM Chairman, Bambang Setiabudi. In relation to the DKM Chairmanship transition, Haendra, as the head of BAPETEN, conveyed his gratitude and admiration to the outgoing Chairman and DKM administrators for their commitment and zeal in organizing regular and sporadic events that contribute to the prosperity of BAPETEN's Al Hidayah Mosque.

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"To the new chairman and management of DKM, BAPETEN leaders wish them good luck in carrying out this noble mandate in order to maintain a balance between spiritual and office activities so that all employees can continue to carry out their prayers at BAPETEN. This is the reason that the Al-Hidayah BAPETEN mosque requires a revitalizing breakthrough, more events, and a greater level of congregational participation," he emphasized.

Haendra used this chance to make two points that the assembled congregation should remember. "First, obligation and sunnah are concepts taught in Islam," Haendra stated. Of course, we wish to elevate both the quantity and caliber of devotion above normal throughout this month of Ramadan. In addition to performing the mandatory duties, including fasting, fardlu prayers, and zakat, there are other important duties, such as reading the Qur'an and giving charity."

When using the performance system method, we will be grouped with those who meet expectations if we do what has to be done. If the sunnah and priorities are followed, then we shall be in the above-average category, God willing.

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Generally speaking, everyone wants to be a part of a group that goes beyond what is expected. Do the things that are mandatory, sunnah, and important as a result. "Just do it, there's no other way," Haendra advised. Of course, there will be amazing effects or outcomes if this idea is implemented in BAPETEN's work activities.

Similar to tasks that must be completed, assignments and performance goals can be compared. If an employee meets these goals, they are said to have met expectations. Additionally, workers are categorized as having the above expectations if they execute extra tasks that influence better performance.

Second, rather than encouraging hurry and procrastination, Haendra stated that Islam emphasizes the concept of disciplined time management. For instance, congregational fardlu prayers must be performed in accordance with the prayer time. The sunnah qobliya prayer should be offered five to ten minutes following the call to prayer but prior to the iqomat. If you succeed, then seize that chance. Because there are so many benefits to performing fardlu prayers in congregation during Ramadan, I'm sure everyone in the congregation is eager to do so. "And I ask that meetings and other activities be stopped at 11.30 AM to give BAPETEN employees the opportunity to pray together," he stated.

"I'm sure the results or impact will be extraordinary if this concept of time management—discipline, not procrastinating and hastening—is implemented in the BAPETEN work environment," Haendra concluded his address. As Haendra noted, "As Muslims or Muslim women, we should balance and be consistent in our attitudes and behavior in various matters." he began the Ramadan 1445 H Activities Series with the phrase "Basmallah." (BHKK/Bams/GP)

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