BAPETEN Inspectors Annual Meeting 2024
Kembali 22 Februari 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

Supervision of nuclear energy utilization is the main task carried out by BAPETEN. To synchronize licensing data with actual conditions in the field, inspections must be carried out optimally. This annual meeting is expected to be the first step in implementing effective and efficient inspections in terms of risk-based supervision, which consists of a cycle of planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling inspection stages. The meeting was held in Building B, BAPETEN, on Thursday, February 22, 2024.

The event began with a report from the Chairman of the Committee, Director of Inspection of Nuclear Installations and Materials (NIM), Lukman Hakim, in his report stating, "The 2024 Annual Meeting of Inspectors has the theme of Law Enforcement in the Era of Risk-Based Approach Supervision. This meeting was attended by 100 inspectors, both main and junior, 38 apprentice inspectors, and 21 assistant inspectors."

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"Law enforcement in the era of a risk-based approach involves different strategies and approaches compared to the traditional reactive approach. Effective and efficient law enforcement can increase public trust in the supervision of the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia," he reported.

The event was opened by the acting chairman of BAPETEN, Sugeng Sumbarjo. In his opening remarks, he said "it is important for us to ensure that the use of nuclear energy is carried out in a safe, measurable manner and in accordance with legal principles. A risk-based supervisory approach is becoming increasingly relevant. This approach allows us to proactively identify and manage the risks associated with utilizing nuclear power. This is not just a reactive approach, but a preventive effort to prevent incidents or violations that could harm workers, society, and the environment."

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"As a "key player” in this field, we have a great responsibility to ensure that every step taken in the use of nuclear energy is carried out taking into account the existing risks. That is what makes law enforcement have a very important role in ensuring compliance with regulations, safety standards, and ethical principles relating to the use of nuclear power,” he emphasized.

"The era of risk-based approach supervision is a new paradigm in law enforcement in the nuclear sector. This approach emphasizes the identification, analysis, and risk mitigation associated with the use of nuclear power,” he explained.

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The event continued with presentations, including "Inspection Policy 2024: Increasing Public Trust through Risk-Based Inspections" by Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection, Zainal Arifin, and a presentation on "Good Manufacturing Process for Drugs (CPOB) Monitoring Mechanisms and Law Enforcement" by Acting Deputy for Drug, Narcotic, Psychotropic, Precursor, and Addictive Substance Control, Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan, or BPOM), Rita Endang.

In the afternoon session, the presentation continued on “Implementation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (RFRM) Inspections for Fiscal Year 2024" by Director of Inspection of RFRM, Asep Saefulloh Hermawan, presentation on "Law Enforcement of Nuclear Facilities at National Research and Innovation Agency (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, or BRIN) and PT INUKI" by BAPETEN Associate Expert Radiation Supervisor, Yanuar Wahyu Wibowo, presentation on "The 2023 Inspection Evaluation and RFRM Inspection Planning for 2024" by the Coordinator of Health Facilities Inspection Function (Directorate of Inspection of RFRM), Roy Candra Primarsa, presentation on "Nuclear Instalation and Materials (NIM) Inspection: 2023 Evaluation and 2024 Plan" by the Coordinator of Safeguards Inspection Function (Directorate of Inspection of NIM), Kusbandono, presentation on "Inspector Performance and Behavior Assessment ” by the Coordinator of the Nuclear Installation Inspection Function (Directorate of Inspection of NIM), Rizal Palapa, and a presentation on “Central Alarm Station (CAS)" by the Coordinator of Research and Industrial Facilities Inspection Function (Directorate of Inspection of RFRM), Sumedi.

The event closed with a discussion and questions and answers for inspectors at the Leadership Forum and the reading of the 2024 Inspectors' Annual Meeting Formula by BAPETEN's Director of Inspection of RFRM, Asep Saefulloh Hermawan, which included:

  1. The inspector's performance assessment is carried out not only based on work results but also based on an assessment of the inspector's behavior.
  2. The development of nuclear energy supervision is carried out through self-assessment, inspections using third parties, the identification of experts, and the development of human resources for regeneration.
  3. BAPETEN's collaboration with other ministries and institutions in supervising the use of nuclear energy.
  4. Preparation of Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia, or SKKNI, for Nuclear Energy Inspectors to establish competency standards for nuclear safety inspectors nationally. [BHKK/SP/GP]

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