BAPETEN Collaborates with US DoE, Strengthens Radioactive Source Security System
Kembali 22 April 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to improve the competence of inspectors, BAPETEN collaborates with the United States Department of Energy, Office of Radiological Security (US DoE-ORS), holding a Radioactive Source Security Inspector (RSSI) training on Monday (22/4/2024) morning in Jakarta. The training, which lasted for four days, was attended by 20 participants, consisting of BAPETEN inspectors and assistant inspectors.

The training was opened by Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin. In his remarks, Zainal said that BAPETEN as a supervisory body is responsible for carrying out supervision through the development of regulations, licensing, and inspections.

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"In general, we are responsible for nuclear and radiation safety and security. Today we have experts from the US DoE-ORS Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL); let's share knowledge and improve competence in the field of radioactive source security inspections," said Zainal.

Zainal added that all participants who are actively involved in asking questions to all experts. "Let's play an active role in the discussion during the training," continued Zainal.

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This activity presents experts from the US DoE, including Jake Burns, Russ Haffener, Robert Marek, and Jake Atwell.

Various simulations of the implementation of inspections for the safety of radioactive sources, including document review methods, observations, interviews, and performance testing, are demonstrated in this training.


It is hoped that the implementation of this simulation activity will add experience for inspectors in finding non-conformities in various conditions and situations.

Director of Inspection of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials Asep Saefulloh Hermawan, accompanied by the Head of Education and Training Division Ahmad Ciptadi Syuryavin, finally closed the four-day training. [BDL/Jessie/Rus/BHKK/Da/GP]

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