BALIS Data Coordination Meeting to Determine Innovation Directions for Supporting BAPETEN Supervision
Kembali 29 Februari 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) held a coordination meeting with the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas regarding BALIS data, which was attended by the Acting Chairman of BAPETEN and several officials and staff related to BAPETEN on Thursday, February 29, 2024.

Director of Inspection of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR), Asep Saifullah Hermawan, as the organizer of the activity, said that this meeting aimed to coordinate with Bappenas regarding the participatory inspection and supervision innovation plan that is being developed by BAPETEN. The coordination meeting also aims to coordinate regarding BALIS data to determine the direction of innovation to support BAPETEN supervision.

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Meanwhile, the Acting Chairman of BAPETEN, Sugeng Sumbarjo, in his direction, said that this activity is one of the activities in the series of preparations for the 2025 Renstra (Strategic Plan). "This activity is a brainstorming process, so BAPETEN invited Bappenas. BAPETEN is currently evaluating the 2020 Strategic Plan," he said.

For information, it is estimated that the 2025 Strategic Plan will only be determined by the President-elect so that it will likely be ratified in Semester II of 2024. Sugeng added that "BAPETEN will propose a new program, no longer innovation but utilization and supervision."

Present at this activity were representatives from Bappenas, namely the Coordinator of the Bappenas Diffusion and Innovation Technological Field, Arumningsih, and the Expert Staff of the MTN Partner Sub-Collaborator, Adila Nahdiana Dewi. Meanwhile, from BAPETEN, the Head of Bureau of Legal Affairs, Cooperation, and Public Communication, Indra Gunawan, the Head of Bureau of Planning, Information, and Finance, Achmad Bussamah, the Director of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness, Zulkarnain, and several Working Group Chairs and staff related to BAPETEN were also present.

"In the preparation of the 2025 Strategic Plan, it is necessary to pay attention again to the national priority tagging. The previous proposal needs a little improvement. The main activities need to be considered, the implementation rules, and intensive discussions are needed regarding the preparation of the strategic plan," said Arum, a representative of Bappenas, in one of her responses.

Arum added that based on the data, it can be seen that the Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (FRZR) Inspection budget has decreased since the Covid-19 pandemic and has not been able to return to its initial value before the Covid-19 pandemic. For this reason, BAPETEN has started to innovate supervision in 2022 and 2023 with participatory-collaborative inspection and online inspection.

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As is known, BAPETEN is one of 10 Ministries/Institutions with the highest proposed percentage increase in the Basic Figure (ranked 9 with an increase of 198.8 M, or 151%).

According to Arum, Bappenas needs to get a more comprehensive explanation to conduct a review and approval of BAPETEN's budget planning. Bappenas supports BAPETEN's budget planning, including FRZR supervision. Need to be monitored until the issuance of the Joint Letter of Indicative Ceiling (SBPI) for Fiscal Year 2025.

Responding to input from Bappenas, DPFRZR plans to go into the field by involving Bappenas. DPFRZR will also complete the supporting data requirements for budget submission and will be coordinated with the BAPETEN Planning Section. (BHKK/Bams/GP).

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