Implementation of PPR License Examination, in Directorate of Competency Development- BRIN
14 September 2021 | Berita BAPETEN
BAPETEN held the Radiation Protection Officer (PPR) License Examination in the field of Industrial Level 1, Industry Level 2, Industry Level 3, Medical Level 1 and Medical Level 2, on Monday, 13 September 2021, at the Directorate of Competency Development-BRIN, Jl. Lebak Bulus Raya No.9, Lebak Bulus, Kec. Cilandak, South Jakarta.
Coaching of The Electricity Law in Bangka Belitung
14 September 2021 | Berita BAPETEN
BAPETEN held a Development Regulations on the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing in The Subsector of Installation and Nuclear Materials and Subsector of Mining Nuclear Excavation Materials which was attended by 29 participants from various government agencies, academics, and Business Owners in Bangka Belitung Province, Tuesday (14/9).
Public Test and Dissemination of Draft Government Regulations and Draft Regulations of the Minister of Finance on Types and Tariffs on PNPB Types applicable to the BAPETEN
14 September 2021 | Berita BAPETEN
In order to disseminate the Draft Government Regulation to get input from stakeholders, Tuesday (14/09) the Directorate of PNBP of the Ministry of Finance in collaboration with the Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources BAPETEN held an activity "Public Test and Dissemination of Draft Government Regulation and Draft ...
Radiation Protection and Safety Training Phase II
13 September 2021 | Berita BAPETEN
The use of radiation in the field of cardiology interventions although considered safe, but still has a dangerous impact if it is not supervised and controlled. Overexposure can have an impact on workers and patients both in the short and long term. BAPETEN is obliged to conduct construction on all ...
Guidance of BAPETEN Regulations Regarding the Evaluation of Nuclear Installation Sites
18 Agustus 2021 | Berita BAPETEN
BAPETEN held guidance in nuclear installations and materials sector, especially related to the BAPETEN Regulation on Evaluation of Nuclear Installation Sites on Wednesday (18/08). The event was attended by 73 participants online, from BATAN, Indonesia Power, PT. ThorCon, and PT. INUKI.