Dissemination of Science and Technology for Nuclear Utilization Supervision in Sidoarjo
28 Januari 2019 | Berita BAPETEN
"BAPETEN can work because of funds from the people through taxes, so the people have the right to know how BAPETEN works. This will also be an input for even the lowest level of society, in order to know the use of our APBN," said Vice Chairman of the Commission ...
Chairman of BAPETEN Gives Public Lecture on Utilization of Information Technology in Nuclear Power Supervision
25 Januari 2019 | Berita BAPETEN
Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto, held a public lecture at the University of Pasundan, Bandung, with the theme of Utilization of Information Technology in Nuclear Safety and Security, on Thursday (1/24/2019).
Hearings Meeting Between Commission VII The House of Representatives of Indonesia (DPR RI) with Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia and non-ministerial government institution
16 Januari 2019 | Berita BAPETEN
Commission VII of the DPR-RI held a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenritekdikti) and non-ministerial government institution under it; BPPT, LIPI, BAPETEN, BATAN, BIG, BSN and LAPAN. The topic of discussions are Research Results Reporting System, Work Program year 2019 and Follow-up on Audit ...
Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education and LPNK Perform Strengthening Innovations in the Regions
14 Januari 2019 | Berita BAPETEN
The working meeting between the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education along with the Non-Ministerial Government Institution (LPNK) with the House of Representatives Commission VII, was held in the Commission VII meeting room, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday (1/14/2019) afternoon.
Workshop Nasional Pengembangan Kemampuan Respons Medis Kedaruratan Nuklir
15 Mei 2018 | I-Consep
Meningkatnya potensi ancaman penggunaan bahan nuklir atau radioaktif untuk tindak kejahatan atau terorisme harus diimbangi dengan kemampuan respons petugas baik sebelum, saat atau setelah kejadian. Pelibatan bahan nuklir atau radioaktif di suatu tempat kejadian perkara (TKP) bila tidak ditanggulangi dengan baik akan memiliki dampak yang serius.