Visit to Radiotherapy Facility of PELNI Hospital Jakarta to Identify Good Practices in Implementing Radiological Review
Kembali 14 Agustus 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to prepare technical guidelines for radiological review in health facilities, the Centre for Regulatory Assessment of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (P2STPFRZR) BAPETEN again conducted a field survey visit to the radiotherapy facility of PELNI Hospital Jakarta on Wednesday, August 14, 2024.

As stated in Article 48 of Government Regulation No. 45 of 2023, permit holders are required to ensure that radiological reviews of medical exposure are carried out periodically in the facilities for which they are responsible. The scope of the radiological review is a review of the shortcomings and advantages of the application of justification, optimization, investigation, and correction of medical exposure. Radiological review of medical exposure is also a comprehensive review of patient safety related to the use of ionizing radiation sources. In accordance with this, it is necessary to identify the potential capabilities of hospitals in conducting radiological reviews, which will be used as input for the preparation of guidelines for implementing radiological reviews. The initial focus of this guideline is for radiotherapy facilities that have high radiological risk potential for patients.

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The survey visit was led by Rusmanto with the technical guideline drafting team, namely Leily Savitri, Titik Kartika, and Sudradjat. It was conveyed in the opening session that the agenda of the visit was to photograph and identify good practices that have been carried out or have been planned in a program related to the review or evaluation review of the implementation of the justification principle and optimization of radiation protection for patients. The survey visit was carried out as part of the process of collecting supporting data and enrichment in the preparation of technical guidelines so that the resulting guidelines will be applicable.

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The survey activity at the radiotherapy facility of PELNI Hospital Jakarta was welcomed and enthusiastically received by the hospital management, consisting of dr. Nur Ardianty, MM, as Vice Director of Administration & HCGA; dr. Nadia Mumpuni as Senior Head of Medical Service; dr. Sinta Prastiana Dewi, Sp.Onk.Rad., as Head of Radiation Oncology Department; Desmalia Putri and Marwazi as radiation protection officers and medical physicists. PELNI Hospital is pleased to be able to contribute and be involved in collecting data for the preparation of technical guidelines.

After the delivery of introductory material for the preparation of guidelines by Titik Kartika, the team was divided into two groups to discuss various matters related to the contents of the radiological review. Discussions and interviews were conducted to deepen and explore information on good practices and mapping the applicability of these guidelines later. This activity ended with a review of the radiotherapy facilities owned by PELNI Hospital to see firsthand the implementation of patient services with radiotherapy. This is to obtain a mapping of the processes carried out in accordance with the concept of the technical guidelines to be prepared. (P2STPFRZR/Sudrajat/BHKK/CD/Translator: GP)

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