Verification to Application for Operation Permit for Category II Irradiator Facilities to Use Ionizing Radiation Generators
Kembali 26 Agustus 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN’s Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) and Directorate of Inspection for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DIFRZR) verified the application for an Operation Permit for Category II Irradiator Facilities Using Ionizing Radiation Generators, at PT. Oneject Indonesia, Bekasi, West Java.

The verification was opened by the Head of the Verification Team and the Coordinator of the BAPETEN’s Research and Industrial Facility Licensing Function Group Mukhlisin, in his opening remarks, he delivered a presentation regarding the requirements for an Operation permit for Category II Irradiator Facilities Using Ionizing Radiation Generators.

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The event, which was held on 22-25 August 2022, was attended by Senior Vice President Edwin Yahya and the management of PT. Oneject Indonesia and related technical staff.

During the activity, the verification team checks all technical documents and measures gamma and neutron radiation exposures, measures irradiator buildings based on as-built drawings, tests radiation safety systems, testing acceptance tests and commissioning as well as tests personnel competence.

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Verification activities went well and resulted in several recommendation notes for PT. Oneject Indonesia in fulfilling permit requirements. On this occasion, the BAPETEN Verification Team appreciated the readiness and cooperation of PT. Oneject Indonesia, in fulfilling the acceptance criteria in licensing requirements so that the permit application process can run smoothly. Verification activities in the context of licensing were closed by the BAPETEN’s Research and Industrial Facility Licensing Function Group Coordinator. [DPFRZR/Fitria Sandra/DIFRZR/M. Dradjat Kurniawan/BHKK/SP/Da/RA].


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