Qualified Examiner Competency Certification for X-Ray Machine Suitability Test
Kembali 03 Mei 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

This competency certification is carried out with two types of exams, namely written exams and practical exams. The written exam was held at BAPETEN on April 24, 2024, using the Computer Assisted Test (CAT) system through Balis Pekerja. While the practical exam was held offline at BAPETEN, St. Carolus Hospital, and Medistra Hospital, Jakarta, on April 25, 27, and May 2, 16, 17, 2024.

The activity was opened by the Director of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness of BAPETEN Zulkarnain, followed by the reading of the rules and exam scenarios by the Coordinator of the BAPETEN Quality Assurance Function Group Rini Suryanti and BAPETEN Radiation Supervisor Alimuddin.

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This time, the qualified examiner competency certification was held with a scope of testing including general radiography, fluoroscopy, dental machines, mammography, and CT scan. The number of participants in the exam was 13 participants, consisting of 5 PB candidates for the general radiography scope, 2 people for the dental scope, one person for the fluoroscopy scope, 2 people for the CT scan scope, and 3 people for the mammography scope.

Participants are representatives of personnel from PT Inti Presisi Medika, Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Jakarta and Semarang, PT Elsyahfi Calibratech Mandiri, PT Siemens Healthineers Indonesia, Koperasi Jasa Keselamatan Radiasi dan Lingkungan, and Health Equipment and Facilities Security Center (BPFK) Medan.

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The examiners are experts from BAPETEN. Exam participants are required to submit a Test Result Report (LHU) to the exam committee, no later than 1 x 24 hours, calculated from the completion of the practical exam.

With this competency certification exam, it is hoped that competent qualified examiner personnel can be obtained in conducting tests according to the certified test scope so that the quality assurance of the implementation of testing on X-ray machines will be increasingly optimal. [DKKN/EkoSaptoAji/BHKK/SP/GP]

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