On-the-Spot Licensing and Consultation Services at the Riau Provincial Health Service Office
Kembali 28 Februari 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The On-the-Spot Licensing (OTSL) Consultation Service, held at the Riau Provincial Health Service Office, aims to provide license applicants with direct guidance and consultation regarding the fulfillment of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Licensing Requirements, which have been integrated with Balis 2.5 via Online Single Submission (OSS). For this reason, on February 27–28, 2024, BAPETEN's Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances Licensing Directorate will conduct OTSL Consultation Services, Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology X-ray Equipment in Riau City.

Consultation and licensing services are implemented by inviting 45 different agencies per day, including hospitals, Community Health Centers (Puskesmas), and clinic agencies from Riau Province and surrounding areas such as West Sumatra Province, Jambi Province, and Lampung Province. OTSL was attended by both invited participants and additional participants from other agencies that were in the licensing process.

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The event was opened by the Head of the Riau Provincial Health Service, represented by the Service's Secretary, Mohammad Wahyudi. In his opening remarks, he stated, "We, the Riau Provincial Health Service, welcome this activity as a type of service activity that is very beneficial to Puskesmas, hospitals, clinics, or doctors' practices in radiology services. It is hoped that the participants will make the most of the opportunity so that all areas using radiology equipment in the Riau Province region can obtain permits. As support, the Health Service allows participants to communicate all of the obstacles that can be overcome during the licensing process."

The speech was continued by BAPETEN's Director of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials, Ishak, in his remarks conveying "Thank you and the highest appreciation to the Riau Provincial Health Service, which has been pleased to provide and facilitate meetings so that BAPETEN's technical guidance and licensing service activities can be carried out. Similar events are always held in different locations, depending on conditions and circumstances. This is in order to bring BAPETEN services closer to users so as to simplify the licensing process that is being carried out. The efforts that have been made with the online licensing process have actually made it easier, but it turns out that not everything can be completed online; there are times when it is more effective to be served face-to-face, as currently, we do it by coming in person or by using it directly at the BAPETEN Licensing Counter in Jakarta."

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Apart from serving, BAPETEN will provide up-to-date information on the latest regulations governing licensing requirements. "Don't hesitate to ask questions and clarify, and those who are in the process should take advantage of the opportunity to ask directly about the problems they are facing. "I hope that in these two days, everything will be completed by just bringing homework related to permit payments," he added.

BAPETEN, Director of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials, delivered a presentation on "Nuclear Energy Supervision Policy" during the event. After the presentation, there was a discussion and questions and answers about the licensing and regulatory process, followed by daily live licensing and consultation service sessions.

On the second day, the Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Facility Consultation and Licensing Services activities began with a presentation on "Acceptance Criteria for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology" by BAPETEN Health Licensing Function Group Coordinator, Iin Indartati, and "Mechanism for Submitting BAPETEN Permit Applications" by BAPETEN Radiation Supervisor Made Pramayuni, as BAPETEN Health Licensing Evaluator, respectively. The presentation concluded with a discussion and question-and-answer session about the licensing requirements material that had been submitted.

The participants' enthusiasm was demonstrated by utilizing and consulting directly with BAPETEN's health facility licensing evaluators about the barriers to the licensing process for the use of nuclear energy in the health sector, as well as whether day-of-issue permit services can be provided if the requirements are met.

During the two days of implementation of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology X-ray Consultation and Licensing Services at the Riau Provincial Health Service Office, there were 42 applications received, and 18 applications fulfilled the requirements, with the final status being notification of fees or receipts that had to be paid by the maturity period of 30 days for KTUN to be issued. [DPFRZR/Dwiangesti/BHKK/SP/GP]

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