Online Technical Meeting of Nuclear Training Institute
Kembali 28 Juli 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN through the Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Prepareednes (DKKN) held online technical meeting of nuclear training institute with the theme "Mechanisms for the Implementation of Nuclear Training during the Covid-19 pandemic", Tuesday (28/07). The meeting was attended by 42 participants consisting of BAPETEN units (DKKN, DPFRZR, DPIBN, DP2FRZR, BDL) and representatives of 11 nuclear training institutes, appointed by BAPETEN namely Center for Education and Training of National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), Polytechnic Institute of Nuclear Technology of BATAN, Hasanuddin Makasar University, CMPB LST FMIPA of University of Indonesia, Airlangga University, Sebelas Maret University, BPTC Diponegoro University, Technic Radiodiagnostic and Radiotherapy Academy, PT. Intergy, Health Polytechnic Jakarta II, and Health Polytechnic Semarang.

Dedik Eko Sumargo as Director of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Prepareednes, opened technical meeting and also give remarks. Dedik said that in this condition, it was necessary to develop solution step that would be faced by the Nuclear Training Institute by making a new decision regarding the implementation of nuclear training during the Covid-19 pandemic. "Adjustments of the training during the Covid-19 pandemic, will be accordance with the training purposes and able to contribute to the addition of quality human resources in nuclear energy," continued Dedik.


To support the implementation of nuclear training during the Covid-19 pandemic, BAPETEN has issued a Decree of the Deputy for Licensing and Inspection No. 1383 / DE 1 / VII / 2020 concerning the Implementation of certain nuclear training during the Covid-19 pandemic. Explanation of the decree was delivered by Rini Suryanti. Rini explained the options for organizing training during the Covid-19 pandemic and the training institute's obligation to send terms of reference of training activities before implemented.



This technical meeting discussed about mechanism of nuclear training during the Covid-19 pandemic, start from the implementation of the training which consisted of the implementation of learning theory, practicum, to train exam and SIB exams. The technical of implementation of the SIB license exam during the Covid-19 pandemic for certification of IBN officer was delivered by Widia Lastana Istianto and for FRZR scope of SIB certification, delivered by Veronika Tuka. [dkkn / deddyrusdiana / bhhk / yul]






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