MIND ID Audience in Nuclear Power Sector Business: Mining of Nuclear Minerals and Nuclear Power Plants
Kembali 06 Februari 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN received a visit from a delegation from PT Mineral Industri Indonesia (MIND ID) for consultation on business activities in the nuclear power sector on Tuesday, February 6, 2024. The topic of discussion with this audience was MIND ID's intention to conduct business in the nuclear mining subsector and to build nuclear power plants (PLTN) that will be able to deliver clean, carbon-free energy to the MIND ID environment.

The MIND ID delegation was led by Aditya Farhan Arif from the Department Head of Corporate Planning, who was accompanied by MIND ID personnel from the Regulation and Energy Management sections. Meanwhile, BAPETEN was attended by the Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment (PKN), Haendra Subekti, the Acting Director of Supervision of Nuclear Installation and Material Regulations, Bambang Eko Aryadi, and his staff.


The audience was opened with a speech from MIND ID, Aditya Farhan Arif, who said, "MIND ID is a state-owned holding company that has several subsidiaries in the mining sector." Aditya also conveyed the purpose of MIND ID's visit, namely to explore business in the nuclear power sector, which includes mining of nuclear mining materials (radioactive minerals and radioactive associated minerals) and construction of nuclear power plants.


PKN Deputy, Haendra Subekti, in his speech explained the importance of implementing 3S (Safety, Security, and Safeguards) or Safety, Security, and Safeguards in a balanced manner. Acting Director of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DP2IBN) explained the regulations, process flow, and business licensing requirements for the nuclear power sector through Online Single Submission (OSS) using Business Licensing—Standard Classification of Indonesian Business Fields (PB KBLI) and Business Licensing to Support Business Activities (PB UMKU) Mining of Nuclear Minerals (BGN) and construction of nuclear power plants and regulations related to safety, security, and safeguards for both radioactive mineral mining, processing of radioactive associate minerals, and nuclear power plants.

MIND ID informed that there is a fairly large need for electricity for the industrial areas owned and several mining areas of MIND ID's subsidiaries. In realizing carbon-free mining, they need an emission-free energy supply carbon, reliable and sustainable. MIND ID sees the potential of nuclear power plants to be able to meet the energy needs that are free of carbon.


The activity was continued with a discussion session that discussed the laws and regulations related to the requirements and licensing flow for radioactive mineral mining business activities, processing of radioactive by-products, and the construction and operation of nuclear power plants. [DP2IBN/Zakki/BHKK/OR/GP]


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