Guidance of Laws and Regulations on Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials with Stakeholders in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province
Kembali 06 Maret 2024 | Berita BAPETENOn March 6, 2024, BAPETEN's Directorate of Supervision of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials(DP2FRZR) hosted a stakeholder meeting to develop laws and regulations on radiation facilities and radioactive materials in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province (DIY). This is an important step after the statutory regulations are issued. The goal of this activity is to socialize the nuclear energy regulations in the field of radiation facilities and radioactive substances that have been issued so that stakeholders can better understand and follow the regulations, thereby ensuring safety and security in the use of nuclear energy.
The event began with Aris Sanyoto, the Coordinator of the Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety Regulation Function Group, presenting a report on activity preparations. According to the report, this activity was held by inviting 200 agencies to attend both offline and online, representing a variety of institutions, including users in the industrial and health sectors, ministries and institutions, related agencies, professional associations, and academia. The coaching was held in a hybrid format, with 50 offline participants and 60 online participants.
The activity was officially opened by the Director of DP2FRZR, Mukhlisin, who stated that on this occasion, BAPETEN would socialize Government Regulations (PP) No. 45 of 2023, which was stipulated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia on September 25, 2023, and convey information about the risk-based business licensing system for the nuclear energy sector. In terms of nuclear energy regulations, the current trend is toward deregulation or simplification of requirements, as well as ease of licensing.
"Hopefully this coaching activity can become a medium or event to strengthen the commitment to supporting safety and security, build mutual agreements, and develop a national safety culture, and the participants who attend will receive clear information regarding the implementation of risk-based business licensing," Mukhlisin said.
Speeches and presentations regarding the implementation of risk-based business licensing in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province were delivered by the Head of the One Stop Integrated Service and Investment Service (DTMPTSP) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province, Agus Priyono.In his speech, Priyono said that DTMPTSP strives to continue to increase the number and competency of human resources as well as facilities and infrastructure to fulfill business permits that are easy, fast, accountable, and transparent. The Online Single Submission Risk-Based Approach (OSS-RBA) licensing system, which is currently still in the refinement stage, is the main obstacle to implementing business licensing, especially in DIY. "There is no charge for processing permits at DTMPTSP," said Priyono.
Starting with the main event, Mukhlisin gave a presentation on BAPETEN's Supervision Policy on Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials. He discussed three topics: regulations, permits, and inspections, which are the foundation of BAPETEN's supervision. It was stated that at least 25 regulations are currently being drafted and will be in accordance with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. BAPETEN continues to develop its licensing system. BAPETEN has achieved a variety of goals, including investment services, public services, Ombudsman awards, and more. Mukhlisin concluded the presentation by stating that BAPETEN's supervisory collaboration in the health, research, and industrial sectors had been carried out with various ministries and institutions in order to continue providing the best service possible to all stakeholders.
Aris Sanyoto then delivered a presentation on Government Regulation Number 45 of 2023 on Ionizing Radiation Safety and Radioactive Substance Safety, with a focus on Radiation Safety and Radiation Safety Management. Aris' presentation covered the regulatory structure, radiation protection for occupational and medical exposure, safety management, and radioactive substance security.
Gloria Doloressa gave the next presentation on Government Regulation Number 45 of 2023 Concerning Radiation Safety and Security of Radioactive Materials, which specifically addressed the scope of regulation for radioactive substance security and inspection. Gloria explained the content of the security regulations for radioactive substances in PP Number 45 of 2023, which include security categories, security levels, security programs, and radioactive substance security measures, as well as inspection provisions such as inspection implementation and inspector authority.
During the discussion, participants appeared enthusiastic about asking questions, responding, and providing feedback on BAPETEN policies and PP Number 45 of 2023. In general, participants wanted more information about incentives and social security for radiation workers, the availability of radiation measuring instrument calibration infrastructure, and the implementation of the TLD eyepiece. (Diella Ayudhya Susanti/DP2FRZR/GP)
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