Knowledge Sharing BAPETEN Agent of Change
Kembali 15 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

As one of the efforts to support the implementation of PermenPAN RB No. 27 year 2014 concerning Guidelines for the Development of Change Agents in Government Agencies, the Bureau of Organisation and General Services (BOU) held a Knowledge Sharing by inviting speakers from the State Administration Institute of the Republic of Indonesia (LAN RI) on 15 November 2022 in Jakarta.

The event was opened with remarks from Eko Legowo as the Coordinator of the Organization and Governance Function Group representing the Head BOU, Eko stated that on this knowledge sharing occasion he hoped to provide motivation and new ideas in order to support bureaucratic reform in their respective work units.

imgkontenimgkontenThe first session of knowledge sharing by Naufal Sabda Auliya from LAN RI discussed the implementation of Change Agents and RB in LAN RI. The second session was continued by Dian Eka Rahayu with material on accelerating innovation through the LAN RI Innovation Laboratory (Labinov).

imgkontenimgkontenLABINOV LAN RI has existed since 2015 where the purpose of LABINOV is to help accelerate the growth of innovation in government agencies. The method used in accelerating through 5D + 1 is Drum up which aims to inspire and arouse the spirit of innovation, then Diagnose to identify and embed innovation ideas then Design for innovation action plans, the next stage Deliver is launching, implementing, and monitoring innovations then Display innovation and Documentation for each stage of the 5D.

imgkontenThe event continued with a QnA session and the event was closed by Eko legowo. It is hoped that with this event, BAPETEN Agents of Change can synergize more and help accelerate the growth of innovation in their respective work units. [BOU/Nafis/BHKK/OR/RA]

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