First Radiation Monitoring Functional Training
Kembali 06 Juni 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN Education and Training Center held the First Radiation Monitoring Functional Training on 6-17 June 2022. This training was an implementation of the BAPETEN’s Chairman Regulation Number 10 of 2016 concerning Competency Standards and Guidelines for Education and Training of Radiation Monitoring Functional Positions and PermenPAN RB Number 46 of 2012, and aims to create competencies that must be possessed by a First Level Radiation Monitoring Functional Officer starting from the aspects of knowledge, skills, to prepare attitudes and behavior.

Head of the Education and Training Center Ahmad Ciptadi Syuryavin said that the training was attended by 18 participants consisting of 16 participants from BAPETEN and 2 participants from BRIN. The training used the combine learning, which are online and offline method. Learning Management System of the BAPETEN Training and Education Center is for to increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of learning so that competency improvement can run well.


In the opening Executive Secretary of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo said “Radiation Monitoring Functional Position Training is an obligation and a requirement to become a Radiation Supervisor or move up to a higher level. To increase the level of radiation supervisors, they must participate the appropriate level of training and competency tests. Starting in 2022 BAPETEN decided to hold training and competency tests only 2 times. For this reason, the participants are expected to be serious and focus on participating in this training so that all can pass and no one repeats it.”


“The lecturers are expected to not only provide technical material but also provide managerial knowledge. Because this is very important. JFT is not only required to focus only on technical fields but also other managerial areas. There will be a change in the performance and organizational paradigm that requires all JFTs, both Radiation Supervisors and other JFTs, to be able to take care of administration, finance and all matters related to personnel. So that managerial knowledge of administration, finance and others must be mastered,” he added.


With this training, participants are expected to become good, tough, responsible radiation supervisors and understand fundamentally the duties and functions of radiation supervisory functional officers. [BHKK/YL/CD/RA]

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