Field Verification of Training Institutions to the BRIN Competency Development Directorate
Kembali 16 Agustus 2024 | Berita BAPETENBAPETEN's Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DK2N) conducted a field verification of the Nuclear Training Institute (LPK) to the Directorate of Competency Development of the National Research and Innovation Agency (DPK-BRIN) in Jakarta on August 15-16, 2024. This activity is a follow-up to the submission of the LPK appointment file for the scope of Expertise Officers at Radioisotope and/or Radiopharmaceutical Production Facilities (Operator and Maintenance) submitted by BRIN and declared to have met the requirements for Field verification.
This field verification follows the mandate of the Head of BAPETEN Regulation No. 1/2022 that the assessment of the Nuclear Training Institute applicant is carried out through document evaluation and field verification activities to ensure the requirements are met.
The verification team was chaired by LPK Verification Team Leader Rini Suryanti with Joni S. Kadir, Adi Drajad Noerwasana, Suryo Adi Santosa and Eko Sapto Aji as team members. The arrival of the verification team was welcomed by BRIN DPK Director Sasa Sofyan Munawar along with the management of the training institution and several representatives from the Directorate of Nuclear Facility Management (DPFK) BRIN.
Rini Suryanti during the entry meeting conveyed the purpose of verification activities, namely to ensure the availability of facilities and infrastructure, human resources, curriculum, modules teaching materials and management system documents following the documents submitted in the application and following the requirements. After the entry meeting, it continued with document inspection, especially reconfirming the legality of the agency, checking documents related to the management system, organizational structure, human resources, curriculum, syllabus, training modules and teaching materials.
On the second day, the activity continued with verification of the facilities that would later be used for training facilities according to the application located in Building 13 Puspiptek BRIN Serpong, South Tangerang.
At the end of the activity, the BAPETEN team submitted the Minutes of Examination (BAP) containing findings that must be immediately followed up by BRIN at the exit meeting. The activity was closed by signing the BAP by the LPK Verification team and the person in charge of the DPK BRIN Training Institution candidate represented by Alpha Fadila Juliana Rahman as the representative of the training institution. [DKKN/Esa/BHKK/RA /GP/Da]
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