Field Verification of the Nuclear Energy Training Institute and Conformity Testing Institute of PT. Akurasindo Setya Medika Surabaya
Kembali 28 Februari 2024 | Berita BAPETENThe Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), through the Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DKKN), conducted a field verification of the Nuclear Energy Training Institute and Conformity Test Institute at PT. Akurasindo Setya Medika Surabaya in East Java. This activity took place on February 26–28, 2024.
This activity is a follow-up to the application for an additional scope of Conformity Testing Institutions and a new application for the Nuclear Energy Training Institute for the scope of Radiation Protection Officer (PPR) Medical Level 2, which was submitted by PT Akurasindo Setya Medika and was declared to have met the requirements for field verification. In accordance with the mandate of BAPETEN Chairman Regulations No. 1 of 2022, assessments of nuclear energy business actors are conducted through document evaluation and field verification activities to ensure that business licensing requirements are met.
The first day of verification began with an entry meeting attended by the management of PT. Akurasindo Setya Medika and facility management, who will work together on training facilities and infrastructure for nuclear energy training practicums. During the entry meeting Rini Suryanti, conveyed the aim of the verification activities, namely ensuring the availability of facilities and infrastructure, human resources, and management system documents that comply with the requirements for Nuclear Energy Training Institutions and Conformity Testing Institutions, as well as curriculum, syllabus, modules, and special teaching materials for Nuclear Energy Training.
Following the entry meeting, the facilities that will be used for training are verified in response to a request from PT Akurasindo Setya Medika, through collaboration regarding the use of classroom facilities, laboratories, sources of ionizing radiation and radioactive substances, as well as radiation measuring instruments. Verification also includes evaluating other supporting facilities such as prayer rooms, parking lots, and libraries.
On the second day, document inspections at the PT. Akurasindo Setya Medika office were conducted to ensure legality, including the legality of cooperation in the use of facilities and infrastructure in related agencies. Documents related to management systems, organizational structures, human resources, curriculum, syllabus, training modules, and teaching materials, as well as suitability test equipment, were also examined.
At the conclusion of the verification activity, the BAPETEN team submitted an Inspection Report with findings that PT Akurasindo Setya Medika must immediately follow up on at the exit meeting. The event concluded with the signing of the Inspection Report by the verification team for Nuclear Energy Training Institutions and Conformity Testing Institutions, as well as the person in charge of prospective Training Institutions and Conformity Testing Institutions, PT Akurasindo Setya Medika. [DKKN/Ekosapto/BHKK/OR/GP]
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