Coordination Meeting for the Preparation of 2024 Additional Protocol Declaration
Kembali 03 Mei 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN held a Coordination Meeting for the Preparation of the Additional Protocol Declaration in Jakarta, 2-3 May 2024. This activity aims to discuss the draft additional protocol declaration that has been prepared by relevant stakeholders and has been evaluated by BAPETEN.

Reporting the additional protocol declaration to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is one of Indonesia's obligations after signing the Additional Protocol for Safeguards Agreement in 1999. The Additional Protocol declaration must be submitted to the IAEA no later than 15 May each year.

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The following are some of the things conveyed in this declaration including research related to nuclear material recycling that does not involve nuclear material, operational activities related to safeguards, all locations in the footprint of nuclear facilities, nuclear-related equipment manufacturing or assembly and uranium mining and enrichment facilities.

In addition, the declaration also conveys about nuclear materials/source materials that are not reported in safeguards, nuclear materials that have been exempted. (Dicek dulu ini bener atau gak), medium/high level waste processing, export and import of certain equipment, and long-term plans for nuclear material recycling.


In this meeting, several relevant stakeholders were invited such as representatives of additional protocol declaration implementers for each installation at the Directorate of Nuclear Facility Management (DPFK) - BRIN, Research Centers under the Organization for Research in the Nuclear Field (ORTN) - BRIN, Bandung Institute of Technology, and PT Thorcon Power Indonesia.

This activity was opened by Bapeten Deputy for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin who said that we should not be untransparent in declaring research to the IAEA. “It will cause Indonesia difficulties in importing and exporting nuclear technology,” he added.

The activity then continued with discussion and discussion of declarations from each stakeholder. From this activity, it is expected that the declaration that will be submitted to the IAEA is correct and in accordance with the current conditions. [DIIBN/Setiawan/BHKK/DA]

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