Consultation on Drafting of Regional Regulations of RTRW for Bangka Belitung Islands Province
Kembali 19 Januari 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN received a visit from a delegation from Bangka Belitung Islands Province in the context of a consultation on the Regional Spatial Planning (RTRW) Regulation on Friday, January 19, 2024. This is related to the plan to build a nuclear power plant in the Bangka Belitung Province, which is still a dilemma and debate for some of the Bangka Belitung community.

The delegation consisted of the Deputy Chairperson of the Local People's Representative Council (DPRD) for the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands, Heryawandi, the Chairperson of the Special Committee for the Draft Regional Regulation on the Spatial Plan for the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands, Firmansyah Levi, Deputy Chairperson of the Special Committee, Rudi Hartono, and other members of the special committee. Also present were accompanying partners from related agencies (Legal Bureau of the Regional Secretariat, Department of Public Works, Public Housing, and Residential Areas (PUPRKP), Marine & Fisheries Service, Environmental Service, Regional Planning & Development Agency/Bappeda) and representatives from PT ThorCon Power Indonesia.

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Meanwhile, from BAPETEN, the Deputy Chairman of Nuclear Safety Assessment Haendra Subekti, Director of Licensing of Nuclear Installation and Material (DPIBN) Wiryono, Head of Bureau of Legal Affairs, Cooperation, and Public Communication Indra Gunawan, Acting Director of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DP2IBN) Bambang Eko Aryadi, and several related BAPETEN staff were present.

"BAPETEN is one of those that interacts a lot with Bangka Belitung Islands Province in various matters, including the use of ionizing radiation in health, nuclear power plants, and handling of radioactive accompanying minerals. We were also present at the socialization in Tanjung Beriga last year. PT Thorcon has currently chosen Gelasa Island as a candidate for the location of the nuclear power plant; of course this must be a concern in the RTRW," said Haendra in his speech.

"I support the initiative of the Bangka Belitung Provincial Government together with the Bangka Belitung Islands Provincial DPRD to amend the Regional Regulation on Spatial Planning (RTRW) to accommodate nuclear power plants in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province by first consulting with BAPETEN regarding nuclear power plants and confirming the risks and dangers," continued Haendra.

In this meeting, Haendra explained about several nuclear accidents that have occurred in the world. "There have been at least three accidents related to nuclear power plants that have occurred in the world, namely Chernobyl in Russia, Three Mile Island in the United States, and Fukushima in Japan." Haendra explained clearly.

Haendra explained clearly why the nuclear accident could occur, and BAPETEN had also visited Fukushima, Japan, in order to study the cause of the accident so that something similar would not happen in Indonesia.

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Wiryono, Director of DPIBN, explained about the licensing of nuclear power plants. "BAPETEN carries out supervision from determining the site (location) to the decommissioning of the nuclear power plant. Licensing includes fulfilling the requirements for safety, security, safeguards, and liability," he said.

"So, BAPETEN carries out the supervision process from the processing of site permits, construction permits, commissioning permits, operation permits, and decommissioning permits. The principle is inherent safety,” continued Wiryono.

“We will review the existing safety system, including the site, to anticipate emergency conditions. It has been reviewed since the beginning—not after it was built, then mitigation was thought about if an emergency occurred, but since the site was built,” said Wiryono.

Wiryono added that the regulation also requires a waste management system. “To the applicant, so that they can store nuclear waste before there is a sustainable waste storage place,” he concluded.

Deputy Chairman of the DPRD, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Heryawandi expressed his gratitude for the welcome and reception from BAPETEN. “Thank God, we are grateful to be fully received by BAPETEN officials; we are present with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Special Committee, along with the Head of the Public Works (PU) Service, the Provincial Legal Bureau, and several related partners in the process of drafting the RTRW Local Government Regulation Draft (Raperda),” he said.

"Regarding the preparation of the RTRW, there are many strategic issues that we are still consulting with various parties, including BAPETEN, because the issue is very sensitive, including issues related to nuclear power plants," Heryawandi said further.

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Chairman of the Special Committee for the Draft Regional Regulation on the RTRW, Firmansyah Levi, said the purpose of the consultation with BAPETEN was to deepen the intention of PT ThorCon to build a nuclear power plant on Gelasar Island.

"For us, a nuclear power plant is a dilemma; on the one hand, it is needed; on the other hand, there are concerns regarding past events related to nuclear power plant incidents. Please provide guidance and input regarding technical materials and scientific studies; please explain the concerns first," asked Firmansyah to BAPETEN.

"The concerns about nuclear power plants in the community are nuclear leaks, how to technically overcome them, at least ask for an overview," he continued.

The next question, he wanted to get an explanation regarding the study, whether it is safe or not on Gelasar Island if a nuclear power plant is built, because it is an area prone to natural disasters. Also asked regarding the construction of the nuclear power plant, how far has PT ThorCon come?

All of these questions and several other questions from the Bangka Belitung Islands delegation can be answered by BAPETEN, because those present from BAPETEN do indeed master the material.

"We hope that this meeting can be effective so that the Special Committee can gain confidence in drafting the Bangka Belitung Islands Provincial RTRW Raperda, and we will be open to further discussion or discussing it again in various forums," said Haendra Subekti in his closing remarks. (BHKK/Bams/GP).


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