BAPETEN Discussion Meeting on Draft Supervision and Culture Policy
Kembali 30 Juli 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN, through the Bureau of Organization and General Services, will conduct a discussion meeting on the proposed supervisory and cultural policy of BAPETEN at the BAPETEN Office on July 30, 2024. The meeting was held in order to discuss the BAPETEN Chairman's Regulation No. 14 of 2014 on the Management System of BAPETEN, mandating Safety and Security Culture and Supervisory Policy led by Acting Chairman of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo, Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Haendra Subekti, Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, and Head of Bureau of Organization and General Services Dedik Eko Sumargo.

In his reception, Sugeng Sumbarjo stated that “about standards of behavior, there is something common to be national, for in the future it needs to be made specific to BAPETEN so that its objectives and implementation can be achieved." Haendra Subekti added, “The discussion related to the policy, management system, and culture of BAPETEN is a standard that will be audited later. The existing documents serve as evidence of our commitment, ensuring optimal implementation.

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The BAPETEN Discussion Meeting on Draft Supervision and Culture Policy aims to provide a basic document that reflects the commitment of the leadership and staff to ensure systematic, planned, effective, and efficient supervision and reporting on national commitments and performance within the framework of bureaucratic reform. In his speech, he also mentioned the 'Three Chains', the BAPETEN Management System, the BAPETEN Supervisory Policy, and the BEPETEN Culture.

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At the end of the meeting concluded with a mandate of the Head of Bureau of Organisation and General Services,Dedik Eko Sumargo that “This Meeting activity is expected to all attendees, please send input, as an executive summary for the form of indicators of leadership policy as well as combining the implementation of the concept of AKHLAK and AMPUH (BHKK/CD/GP/AAP)

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