BAPETEN Field Evaluation and Assessment to the KSE Baiquni in the Context of Extension of Nuclear Material MBA RI-B Permit
Kembali 06 Februari 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN, through the Directorate of Nuclear Installation and Material Licensing (DPIBN), conducted a field evaluation and assessment in the Science and Education Area (KSE) Baiquni of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) on February 5–6, 2024, based on an inspection order from the Directorate of Nuclear Installation and Material Inspection.

The activity was carried out in order to conduct a field evaluation and assessment of the conformity of nuclear materials with the application documents for extension of the nuclear material permit submitted to BAPETEN based on a letter from the Directorate of Nuclear Power Facility Management (DPFK) BRIN dated January 22, 2024 regarding the application for extension of the nuclear material utilization permit. DPIBN BAPETEN conducted an evaluation of the permit extension application for three State Administration Verdicts (KTUN) that will expire on February 8, 2024. On this occasion, the Evaluation and Assessment of the Nuclear Emergency Program in the Yogyakarta Science and Education Area was also carried out, as was the Monitoring of Follow-up Challenge Results of the CNS Review Meeting.


The event began with an entry meeting opened by Tri Nugraha Hadi Susanto, who welcomed the arrival of the BAPETEN team. The event continued with remarks by Umar Sahiful Hidayat, who welcomed the BAPETEN team at KSE Baiquni MBA RI-B and conveyed that DPFK had carried out revitalization related to the use of nuclear materials for the past 1-2 years, so governance and verification were needed to assess its compliance with regulatory compliance.

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In his remarks, the Director of DPIBN expressed his gratitude for the reception from KSE Baiquni management. BAPETEN's arrival was to follow up on the permit extension from KSE Baiquni, with the planned activities being to present the report on the results of the evaluation and assessment of data conformity in the field.

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The event continued with the presentation of the evaluation results by the BAPETEN evaluator, namely that in general, the nuclear material extension permit documents and field assessments met the requirements for granting a permit extension and were continued with field verification, evaluation and assessment of the Nuclear Emergency Program, and monitoring activities for the follow-up challenge results of the CNS Review Meeting. [DPIBN/Siwhan/BHKK/CD/GP].

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