BAPETEN Cares and Shares Ahead of Eid Al-Fitr 1445 H
Kembali 03 April 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

Ahead of Eid al-Fitr 1445 H, the BAPETEN KORPRI Management, through the BAPETEN Al Hidayah Mosque and BAPETEN Dharma Wanita, held an event to distribute orphanages and Eid gifts for BAPETEN Non-Civil Servant Government Employees (PPNPN) on Wednesday, April 3, 2024.

The distribution of Eid gifts and gifts is part of a series of BAPETEN Ramadhan Syiar activities in 1445 H, starting from Tarhib Ramadhan, Post-zuhur Study, and Muslimah Study, to the distribution of Eid gifts and gifts to PPNPN, who carry out their duties as drivers, security personnel, cleaning service, and Mechanical Engineering (ME) technicians.

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In his report, Ahmad Maulana, as Deputy Chairperson of DKM, expressed his gratitude to the BAPETEN KORPRI Management and BAPETEN Dharma Wanita Management, who have supported the activities of the BAPETEN Al Hidayah Mosque Prosperity Council (DKM). Also to the donors and congregation who have supported the successful implementation of the BAPETEN Ramadhan 1445 H.

"The hope is that because KORPRI and its infrastructure have been formed, next year this activity will be carried out by the Korpri Spiritual Division, and DKM is ready to assist in the technical implementation," said Maulana.

"Hopefully we can meet again with the coming Ramadhan," he continued.

Compensation was given to the sons and sons of former BAPETEN employees who had passed away, including the sons of the late Ali Wardi, Muhidin, Syahrul Amin, Ahmad Nur, Jamalulail, and several others. Symbolically, the compensation was handed over by the Acting Head of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo to the youngest daughter of the late Jamalulail, who was present, accompanied by the wife of the deceased.

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In addition to the distribution of compensation, Eid packages were also given to all PPNPN at the BAPETEN Jakarta Office and PPNPN Balai Diklat Cisarua, so in total there were 101 packages.

Also present at this activity are the Acting Chairman of BAPETEN, Deputy for Nuclear Safety Assessment Haendra Subekti, Head of the Planning, Information, and Finance Bureau Achmad Bussamah, Director of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances Supervision Regulation Mukhlisin, and the ranks of BAPETEN Al Hidayah DKM Management.

Sugeng Sumbarjo, representing BAPETEN Management, expressed his appreciation for the implementation of this activity. He said that this activity was a collaboration between KORPRI BAPETEN, Dharma Wanita, and the BAPETEN DKM Management and was a form of gratitude after experiencing a pandemic several years ago.

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"Of course many of us have been infected with the virus, and some have even died, but, alhamdulillah, we have been given safety by Allah SWT," he said.

To the employees who have contributed funds to this activity, the Acting Chairman of BAPETEN expressed his gratitude for their assistance. "I would like to thank you, ladies and gentlemen, who have participated in setting aside funds for the implementation of this activity. May you receive a reward from Allah SWT many times over," he continued.

In addition to being symbolically given to representatives of orphans of former BAPETEN employees who were invited to attend, some of the donations were also delivered directly by the management to the orphan's mother's house and through transfers. Hopefully, this activity can be carried out routinely every year so that it is expected to add blessings to all BAPETEN people. (BHKK/Bams/GP).

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